Erica Washington

IS it sad that this wasn’t the worst decision that I’ve heard of being made today? I understand the need to dip your braids once their finished (my daughter goes through this every summer), but DON’T FREAKING DO IT AT WORK! This is not difficult to understand.

This was rape. There are no questions about it. You did not consent; in fact you told him No repeatedley. You did not respond to his gestures in any way. The only thing any of us would have done differently is possibly leave when he wasn’t getting the hint, but fear also makes people do strange things, so there is

I make jokes about myself, but I don’t hate myself, or anything that serious. I am I guess what they call pear shaped; completely flat chested, but with a large stomach, butt and thighs. Standing up straight, I look like 1/4. It doesn’t bother me, but I do try to dress to my strengths, and emphasizing the fact that my

Not a bikini person (all the wrong curves in all the wrong places!), but these suits are seriously cute. Although they don’t look like something you would actually want to get in the nasty, dirty Pacific Ocean, or local pool. These are strictly for lounging and looking cute.

Except for the last part. But I do wish their was some kind of brain bleach for what I just read.

Am I a heathen because I just eat them full on, although one at a time? I don’t need to savor the experience or make it last. I just need that chocolate. In my face. Right. NOW!

There is a scene in Pitch Perfect 2, where a music producer tells a young man that if he says one more hipster thing, he was going to shove him in a vintage bassoon case.

Are you trying to incite a man to mass murder? Do you know what too many repeated viewings of this whiny bald headed little prick will do to a person? Just how badly do you hate Drew?

I make around 15.4% of what I would need to be in the top 1% here.

I notice this at my daughter’s Middle School. Yep. You read that right. There are students in the 6th, 7th, and 8th grades whose parents are still carrying their backpacks to and from school. And I’ve picked up my 6th grade daughters backpack. That thing is heavy AF.

Those three should teach everybody how to drive. Although driving while laughing your ass off would be pretty difficult. For new drivers anyway.

That producer is out of his fucking mind.

Exactly. One of my kids has always managed to bring it home from school, due to some kid who either went to school right before it got discovered, or came back to school too quickly, before it had quite cleared up.

Ok, Chrissy T. You win Twitter. And when you are right, you’re right.

That looks absolutely delicious BTW. Except for the black pudding looking stuff. Unless I am missing something?

This dude has clearly done far more than his fair share.

Your sarcasm game is on point, set, and MATCH! Well played, sir or madam. Extremely well played.

All I can say is this: I understand the desire to be at least a little different with your child’s name, especially if, like me and my daughter, your name is so painfully common that there are at least three to four of you everywhere you go (There were FIVE of my name in high school, and I had class with two others.