Erica Washington

Didn’t mean to offend. I was just kind of hoping that the accent didn’t come off as fake as the American sounding ones generally do. That’s all.

I think with some mild alterations, Ebanks natural accent could be a go. Goldberg has done a Caribbean accent before, so it’ll be interesting to see if she trots it out for this.

They are pretty average church singers. Not recording contract worthy, but wouldn’t run you out of the building either. Although, if they are doing four part harmony, whoever was doing that 1st soprano thing needed to tone it down in order to blend in with the group if it wasn’t her solo.

One of my co-workers had to bring his kids in to work. Some of these people are something else.

I heard this on my way in to work. The horrible part is that the students that were being bused were already on their buses, and well on their way. The buses had to be recalled to the yards. The students that were already on campus have to be held in a central area until a parent or guardian can be located to retrieve

Holy Hell he is only a year older than my son!

Lotto tickets are the gift that says, “I have no freakin’ clue what to get you, but here is something that I know you’re going to end up throwing away, but you might just get lucky and get something out of it.”

The Lillian Vernon catalog was, and still is, a catalog junkies heaven. I would look through the catalog for the hell of it, just to see what kind of ridiculous stuff I could get monogrammed. I admit to getting a kick out of the catalogs.

So I guess I will have to procure some tickets to one of the Los Angeles shows for my daughter and probably a friend next summer before school starts again. I will finally have an excuse to go to the Staples Center, although I keep hearing that the acoustics are crappy, and I know from working not that far away that

It makes me wonder why she even took this gig. She has always been a pretty classy lady, and kept her life drama free and out of the tabloids. Why she would get into something like this is beyond me.

Never fire Jim Cooke or Tara Jacoby. Ever.

From what I understand, this story starts after he has been reintegrated back into English society, then heads back to the jungle for some reason or other. Thus the trousers.

Jesus H Tap dancing Christ! The movie is going to be a hot mess, but that pic is outstanding. I just hope it not a Xanadu level career-killer.

You must read “ On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft” by Stephen King. It is the third best book about writing ever written, and everything in it simple and makes perfect sense. The first part of the book is a rather disjointed memoir, and the second part is an exceptionally well written instructional. Well worth the

Now playing

JKR: You know your not supposed to edit while you write. It makes the whole thing take that much longer, and you tend to end up going in a whole other direction, often unintentionally.

My libido is now dead. Totally and completely. I may never be able to reclaim it.

I guess I will just be that person, and say that this comes off as unnecessarily harsh.

That’s been pretty much my take on it. Workplace revenge dialed up to 1000. Going home to get a wife absolutely did not help. I wonder if having an American wife would have made a difference in that a Western wife would have tried (maybe) to talk him down from going macro postal on his co-workers.

In other words, Uncle Sam is rapidly running out of male bodies willing to stop bullets in perpetual wars for the wealthy to remain so. Since women are willing to do, why not let them? More war profiteering for us patriotic ‘Muricans, and the wimmins get to prove that they are equal to the task of being killed in