Dude. Never read YouTube comments. EVER. Your head will explode in a rage stroke of the highest magnitude, and you may never recover.
Dude. Never read YouTube comments. EVER. Your head will explode in a rage stroke of the highest magnitude, and you may never recover.
Absolutely agree. We have no seasons here. We can wear shorts and flip flops on Thanksgiving, and sometimes Christmas. And might not break out a rain coat until MAYBE March. Possibly. But we’ll see with El Nino promising to do a number on us this year.
No. My daughter loves Back To School as well. She told me not to tell any of her friends, though, that she secretly likes school because she is actually DOING something productive during the day. She secretly likes learning, and all the order of school. Go figure.
A for intention, D for wording. Something DEFINITELY lost in the translation.
I have never, EVER, heard of a bra setting off a metal detector, and I have been in courthouses, federal office buildings, through LAX screening by TSA, and you name it. all while wearing bras, and NEVER set off a metal detector. Although I agree there are some shifty attorneys that do shady stuff, this bra thing was…
I think people are more invested in the fantasy of accidentally being in the same place at the same time as your soul mate, than the down and dirty reality that sometimes meeting the right person takes work, and sometimes involve particularly un-romantic things like scrolling through online profiles. I can understand…
Is it just me, or is there something oddly try-hard-y about this interview? Like it is imperative that we believe what we are being told? And why? If she got pregnant by a dude she was casually banging, but has no real desire to keep, that’s actually far more understandable than this patriarchal drivel, that I…
I understand the whole breach of contract thing, and I even understand why they do it (the entire pure and innocent-ish thing), but yeesh, this is messed up. Girl groups want that free, enthusiastic groupie loving too, and I feel bad for them that they don’t get to experience it like the boy groups do, all while the…
Not surprised. Just disappointed.
OK, so I’m not just a random screw-up. The past two months has been like the Murphy’s laws of life kind of months. I got evicted, have yet to find a new place, my daughter waited until Back to School Night to confess that her medication had stopped working, and that she was getting in trouble with her teacher every…
@Andy Richter: At least it wasn’t middle school boys, and AXE. They have not yet learned that a little goes a long way, or the fact that dumping on a gallon of that foul smelling crap does NOT cover up the fact that you didn’t shower. I swear to Dog that walking into a middle school is like playing Russian roulette…
During closeup one night, Jacob was tasked with sweeping and mopping the kitchen. Basic KP duty. I was mixing a batch of root beer in the back room when my lungs began to itch. Seconds later, the entire kitchen staff came barreling around the corner doing their best impression of Han Solo running from the Imperial…
Shoot. If I weren’t a native, and lucky enough to have a civil service job, I would have been out of here years ago.
I’m in LA, too! Is this place a fantasy factory, or what? And every last person under the age of 60 really and truly feels entitled to someone with model perfect looks, whether they have them or not. I suppose because they really are a dime a dozen out here.
You just KNOW they are going to have to pull that poor kid and put him in a private school, or something. No way should he ever have to walk back into that bass ackward school ever again.
It’s a strange thing, being on the Not Conventionally Attractive spectrum. Especially living in Southern California, where conventionally attractive is the preferred default. While I find that it is very easy for me to keep a guy’s attention in a conversation, either a CA woman, or some other male “friend” will kill…
Cue MRAs chiming in with “But but but...Women commit DV against men, too!” in 3,2,1...
It’s sad when even the people that work there are ready to let it die: http://blindgossip.com/?p=73676