Erica Washington

I am a single parent of two, so of course for me cooking at home is going to be a way cheaper option than takeout, although, during the school year, takeout can get VERY tempting when running around between this rehearsal, and that practice. It gets very busy in my house from September to June, but fast food for three

Possibly because I watch far too much Buying Alaska and Buying the Bayou, I get the impression that people move way out to East BFE to get away from all the noise of the City, and they see this as defeating the purpose of what they were trying to get away from. Go figure. I do think a little warning might have been

When has the fact that it’s already been done EVER stopped Hollywood? It loves anything that makes a buck, which is why it’s so sequel happy now.

*patiently waiting on the announcement of the movie version of his life, staring the latest British Oscar contender*

This is pretty much the accepted train of thought on this. Even if this was a Hollywood contract type of relationship (To cover an actor/actress’s troublesome personal habits, or true orientation), which generally ends right around the 10 year mark, she held up her end of the deal in a huge way; he certainly did not.

RIP Uncle Jesse, Uncle Willie, and a big shout out to my Uncle Junior, who were the “peacekeepers” in the family.

Yes to Magic Mike! No to Matt Bomer’s pants. Not feeling that color on ANYBODY.

At first I questioned the Diabetes and Cancer as well, then I thought about the last Department that I worked for where those two things exactly were springing up like weeds among the staff.

I had my son one month before my 21st birthday. I had my daughter at 32. My son is consistently rather jealous that his sister gets better perks than he did as a child. I was poor, uneducated, and sporadically employed when he was a kid. Plus, I had to live on my own with him fairly early on, and that was a failure

Why? Why do you do this to me two full days before payday when I am the unholy combination of STAHVING and flat broke? Gah...

The other thing I was doing was playing “Where did they film this?” whenever I spotted anything that looked even vaguely familiar. It looks like they shot a lot of it in Commerce, CA, based on the angel to Downtown Los Angeles.

One thing I caught right away was the similarity to the City of Bell scandal. They are also dipping their toes into the whole high speed rail debate out here. Truthfully, I think it is a bit too much local politics for the rest of the country to be interested in, but it will be interesting to see how each of these

And here I thought that “fap” was the gender neutral word that covered it all.

No, but I can see where it might be pretty cool.

Slightly off topic, but THIS is why I miss going to church in the South! I wouldn’t get this dressed up, but I LOVE watching those who do. I know a few older “Mothers” who still go all out every Sunday, and they look fantastic doing it. My own grandmother did it up until she couldn’t go to church anymore. I sort of

I came here to say this exactly. They look so much alike, that it’s almost kind weird.

Wow. Just wow. Did your mother have to beat all the other ladies off with a stick or what?