Very true.
Very true.
Am I wrong for thinking that this is kind of funny? I mean I realize that it is highly contagious, and would involve extra expenses in terms of makeup and handling with gloves and whatnot, but as much as these folks screw around (especially with each other!), this is accidentally funny, as it shows that the studio…
I think that’s where all of these celebrities get in trouble. Too many problems, and entirely too much access. So long as they “perform” nothing is denied to them, and they are surrounded by enablers.
Slightly off topic, but one thing I’m noticing while reading the comments, is that somewhere around the mid 30’s, getting knee-walking drunk loses it’s appeal for a lot of people. I know that’s about when I lost interest in it. Here in the early 40’s, a nice buzz is a thing (I have a two mixed drink MAXIMUM, and maybe…
It’s past time for The View to end. Whoopi Goldberg says things that make me embarrassed that we share a birthday, and Raven Symone passed the “Stop talking before I realize that I hate you” threshold a long time ago. Not relevant by a long shot.
Born in ‘71 here. So this was my first exposure to Madonna, at the tender age of 11 (1983):
I see we have similar taste in music! :)
I’m sorry. I immediately thought of this because I am an Old:
There are SO MANY LAYERS of WTF to this. This is like, the Shrek onion, of WTF.
You have just decoded Hollywood...
I supervised my daughter getting her room almost, sorta, halfway clean. At least she found everything she needs for the last week of school (ie. stuff that needs to be turned in) so there is always that.
The blinds outed KStew a while back, and the relationship with RPatz as a PR setup to push the franchise. Which is sad, really. Hollyweird earns it’s name in spades by setting up so many PR relationships to either a) push a particular project, or B) cover up what they feel are a performer’s publicly unacceptable…
I’m sorry, but when was this EVER a good idea for TV show? One man providing unequivocal confirmation bias for racists that see all Black men as inherently unable to control their dicks, constantly creating offspring that they have no intention of supporting.
Diana Ross was born and raised in the projects in Detroit. Probably where shade was invented after all those women moved there from the Deep South. Where everyone is taught early on how to politely but firmly put people in their place, and remind them if they get out of line.
Actually, that is the popular speculation. The entire reason he got himself a wife with some clout is that he wants to be taken seriously in another arena (ie politics), and the lifestyle he was living wasn’t up to it. If he goes the politics route, it will likely be in the state he was born in, as California and New…
I don’t have babies anymore; my son is 22 and my daughter is 11. Both have Instagram accounts of their own, to which my 11 year old daughter has friended me, and my 22 year old son has not. I get it, but we are friends on FB, so my job is to help him be mindful of what he posts to keep it from biting him in the ass…