Erica Washington

The level of fuckedupness is too much for me on this one.

These remind me a bit of home fries, just a little more refined. Definitely will try.

Mini pizza bites = PRICELESS! Master level revenge! Well played.

OK, Dude. That’s just WRONG. You have to give us the recipe for your breakfast potatoes.

Very true. I know the guys aren’t going to take me seriously (Unless of course they are way overreacting to my even DARING to speak to them.), so my starting a conversation is pretty much a no harm, no foul sort of thing, until someone else gets involved.

OMG THIS! I relate to this so hard. I can throw some pretty good conversation out there. But because I hit the unfuckable trifecta (Overweight, over 40, weird face), I have had some of the best, most fun conversations with incredibly hot guys stopped by someone reminding said guy that I was an undesirable. It’s such a

Sorry, Marc Maron. I have had some utterly disgusting biscuits in my time. Not all biscuits are created equal. Some overly dry, hard as a rock, tooth breakers have never even left the basket they came to the table in. Some, however are divine, and I will order an extra basket just to take the rest home for breakfast

This is utter BS. I have been watching all of my friends feeds, and literally EVERYBODY’s daughter/niece/granddaughter/whatever is wearing backless dresses this year. It’s a thing apparently. But it is several measures beyond fucked up to wait until the week before prom to bring this up. If they were serious about

Hence my qualifier of “occasionally”. It’s called Hollyweird for a reason...

I can kinda sorta see how she feels, though. Those that identify as Bi get grief from both sides of the spectrum, and tend to get treated as if they are indecisive, rather than comfortable with, and attracted to, both sexes. I can also see her wanting to keep her work options open, as occasionally, they become limited

All of the cute points to this baby. ALL. OF. THEM!

My kids do this all the time. I have had to give lessons on the correct way to hang the toilet paper:

They were using indelicate language (I am being polite, BTW) in their descriptions. Most of the women within earshot were cringing. I couldn’t wait to get off at the Park and Ride. It was pretty bad, and they were on for my entire trip from work to my car. I had left my MP3 player at home, so I got the pleasure of

Biracial, from the description on the wiki page.

Re: The entire Amber Rose thing. Probably the first Black woman to get famous solely for who she was fucking without being a video “model”, a la Karrine Steffans, Melyssa Ford, et. al.

Someone let me know where I can find the creamy pecan pie that I saw in Season one of True Blood: