Erica Washington

This illustration wins EVERYTHING! Well done, Tara Jacoby!

They have got to be kidding with this. A breadstick sandwich with a side of unlimited breadsticks.

I try to be a bit more generous with my descriptions, and sleazebags comes off as more nasty and judgmental than descriptive. Everyone is entitled to their point of view, obviously, but I would think that after 25 years in the industry, you would have more insight into the behavior of those in the industry.

The entertainment industry is an odd beast. Sex is the currency they trade to get what they want/need from each other. The majority of these folks sleep around, mostly because anybody they want is readily available once they pass a certain threshold of success, and they feel no need to turn anyone down, and Dog forbid

I’ve read quite a bit in different gossip columns about Jay-Z’s possible affairs (Rihanna, Rita Ora, Rachel Roy. He likes his R’s doesn’t he?), and my POV is this: His affairs are not about his wife, so much as they are because he CAN. They are all trophies to him. He has the most beautiful wife in the world, a woman

My favorite thing to say about my own mother is that she always did the best she could with the tools she had. This isn’t simply a good or bad thing: this was a person whose life took a lot of unexpected turns, and she just rolled with them as best she could. Sometimes it worked, a lot of times it didn’t, but we

You misunderstand me. She was likely already embarrassed. This just made it worse.

I am imagining that the mother is mortified on at least two levels:

I call rigged. The only answer is maxi dress. I’ve re-taken the quiz three separate times, changing my answers each time, and the only thing it comes up with is maxi-dress. FOUL!

I have exactly ZERO female friends, and I know my sisters would NOT want to do the bridesmaid thing (One married, one having done the bridesmaid thing too many times already, one salty biscuit), so should I ever get around to getting married (perhaps I should start dating again?), it will be a quickie courthouse

My understanding of this is that a guy can be a 2, and still expect to date, fuck, or marry a 10. He’s only human, after all. If a woman is a 2, she better get to work on trying to get as close as possible to being a 10, or get a few cats and prepare for her imminent spinsterhood, as beyond a certain age, weight, or

I don’t know what insanity drove me to create a Tinder account, but I just deleted it last night. Too many dudes on there that have pics with their wives or girlfriends, and just tried to crop them out of the picture. The dude with the obvious wedding ring was especially charming. And as a early 40’s woman, with brown

Sometimes I think James Franco is just trolling us all. I’m talking Master Level trolling. And we are falling for it, just like he planned.

This cat had other friends who were techs, so he was really good at hidden folders and the like, as well as always trying to clean off his PC himself. That was generally how we ended up getting called, because he would install something on his PC that would have a bad interaction with some other software. We were also

I BS you not: There was a dude, two departments ago, whose hard drive we had to wipe at least three times in the couple of years I worked for that particular department. Let’s just say we are local government, and he had an office with a door that locked. Anytime he called for tech support, and one of us had to travel

I am actually looking forward to this. And normally I don’t really care for scripted television. Both of my sets of grandparents were art of the late 40’s - early 50’s migration to Los Angeles (Arkansas and Louisiana respectively), so I have a great deal of interest in this particular period. I had been meaning to

Welp. I’m happy. That might not have been for me, but I’ll take my smiles wherever I can get them.

There is a shop like that in Downtown Los Angeles! I forget the name of it, but I got a card for one of my co-workers that goes all out like that for church every Sunday. And she always looks OUTSTANDING!

My inner Southern Baptist Where All Women Wear a Hat to Church on Sunday, approves this post. I used to hate sitting behind all those big ole hats when we went to church with my grandmother in the summertime in Arkansas, but MAN were they gorgeous to look at from the front.