Erica Washington

So I take it that no one in Texas has read the research that states that the more educated a child is, the more likely they are to not only delay child birth, but they are also more likely to avoid STDs. Especially easily avoidable STDs. Then again, I believe it was another head in the sand state that was having a

I am a Los Angeles native, born and raised here, graduated from LAUSD.

Damn you, Pinkham! You always post pics of something I actually WANT for lunch instead of the healthy stuff I bring from home. Oh for days of indulgences...

Kind of an unfortunate snap. It looks like they got her right in the middle of talking to somebody. Other than that, it looks like she is ready for some school’s out summer fun. I used to LOVE that time of year! No real bedtime, but we did have to be in the house when the street lights came on.

I am strangely aroused by the .gif. What is this dark sorcery, Jim Cooke?

I am 43. The sight said I looked 31. I’ll take it!

My post crossed with all of the others, that basically understood that this wasn’t what the right wing press thought it was.

Aaaaaaannnndd, here’s where I take an online drubbing for my opinion.

That just brightened up my whole morning! I need more Patti in my life. Those vocals, though!

Luther Vandross, Ronald Isley or Teddy Pendergrass, or GTFO.

This is going to be used for a love scene in a movie. You can just HEAR it.

My take on the subject. I think these people misuse the term because they don’t know the difference between a nerd, a geek, and a dork. It’s mostly a matter of degrees of enthusiasm vs level of social skills needed to discuss them before you bore someone to tears or violence. Know what you are, and don’t claim what

I was wondering how that all had worked out, so I clicked on the original story. They had 8 boxes of Girl Scout cookies between the two of them, as well as the bag of cheese puffs. So four boxes a piece, plus SERIOUS rationing? It could be done.

Normally I would snark, or make some remark about the little girls looking just a little too grown for me.

No worries. Auto correct hates us all.

This is the precise reason I worry about my own daughter. She got it from both sides of the family. I don’t think there is anything worse that being genetically predisposed to having as ass.

Single mother of an 11 year old girl who will be starting Middle School in September. I understand completely, as I have almost had to go HAM on some grown man for staring at my daughter’s butt. I admit that living in an urban environment makes me want to be even more careful, but I keep the lines of communication

Weird, but, hell you gotta do what you gotta do.

I can’t EVEN imagine what they might be thinking right now

What this sounds like to me is a few doctors legitimate concerns mixed with a couple of other doctor’s sour grapes. Dr. Oz does push BS solutions for profit on his show, so that’s a legit concern. Going after his spot at the University because of it is overkill, which sounds like it is being pushed by the two doctors