Erica Washington

So this means I can pour my fat ass and large gut into a bikini, and you better not say a GD thing about it!

Completely wrong, and quite juvenile, but

I shamefully read the gossip items on a couple of sites. Terrible I know, but one of them has a pretty astounding accuracy rate. But I digress.

Yeah. I guess bragging about slipping her the D where her father could read it might not have boded well for him.

I sat down and watched Going Clear last night. They have John by the short hairs. He couldn’t leave even if he wanted to, because they would release EVERY SINGLE PIECE of information they gleaned about him through those “auditing” sessions to the general public.

That could be an entire article. “Movies That Are Best Viewed Stoned”. I would so read that.

The overacting and scenery chewing in that movie go GREAT with munchies. Excellent recommendation.

I have family out there, and I notice they don’t talk about it much.

Like a lot of things, it just kind of depends on the person. I am a huge hedonist, so indulging one sense (sight) automatically makes me want to indulge others (taste, touch, smell, hearing). Food, and sex, done right, let you indulge all of your senses at the same time.

You know you are WRONG for that gif, right? So many kinds of wrong. Because that steak looks oh, so right...

More like: Stay KKKlassy, Feguson. WTF is REALLY going on in Missouri? First the mayor thing, now this?

The DQ story is sheer perfection. I can’t imagine the horror and humiliation of that poor employee. Here’s hoping they found another job, somewhere that they never had to deal with hand dipped ice cream ever again.

This puts my paltry leftovers to shame. Damn you, Pinkham!

I used to get the catalogs all of the time in the early 90’s. Good, clean, albeit trashy, fun. A lot of strippers I knew at the time shopped there. They had it ALL! The Fuck Me pumps and boots, super short and tight mini dresses, peek a boo shirts, and all the animal print you could think of or make up to go

In a weird way, I sorta glad that my job in IT makes wearing long nails completely impractical. Because I love the way they look, and I know that I would have kept the acrylic nails I used to have because they made my other wise rough looking hands just so doggone PRETTY! Dainty, feminine hands, and lugging PC

I still beat myself up (and I know I shouldn't) over getting with this guy who my friend that introduced us told me to be careful about because he “fucked just about any chick willing to give it up”. 20 year old me was not even close to paying attention. I got two gifts that keep on giving from him: the aforementioned

This is one of those subjects to file under, “It is what it is”. I’ve been living with it since my early 20’s (Lesson learned: Never hookup with someone who has a lot of hookups.), and it is nice to see someone working to de-stigmatize it. Americans, especially, would do well to get their heads out of the sand,