Erica Washington

I understand completely. Unfortunately, Dove is the least expensive soap that doesn't make the kids or I itch like crazy. Damn sensitive skin! I finally settled on Gain detergent for the same reason. Well that plus I like the smell. But otherwise...

Although I mostly avoid LB, I recently found a pretty kick-ass tight pencil skirt and magnificent blue cardigan and shell in their store. They were the only decent items in the store, and they ran me $80, but I plan to get a lot of wear out of them before they die.

Methinks he doth protest too much.

After this, I will never complain about having a bad day at work again. At least when I fuck up, nobody is there to see it.

All women in Tech can tell you about meetings that they were not invited to, completed assignments that they did not receive credit for, plum assignments given to less deserving male colleagues, SUPER condescension from said male colleagues, in addition to having any initiative squashed by said male colleagues that

I have always considered myself funny looking. Occasionally ugly, sometimes average, on a particularly good day, kinda cute, but definitely not Hollyweird gorgeous. When I was younger I always thought I had a middle aged face on a very young body. I had to grow into my face. I started to look a little better as I

There is a wealth of young actresses in the correct age range to play Dorothy, so how about we not cast another 33 year old actress in that part? Michael Jackson really nailed The Scarecrow, so I can't really mentally pick anyone for that part. I can actually see Jamie Foxx in the Nipsey Russel part, as he can be

Boy howdy did I get to see this in action!

I was a funny looking, unpopular child, so guess who got all of the cruelest possible "pranks" for April Fool's Day? I have come to loathe April Fool's Day, and all of the mean-spirited "pranks and jokes" douchey people us this day as a cover for. I got so many "Hey! So and So likes you, and wants you're number."

Alcohol and good judgement are diametrically opposed. Sober people close the glove box. Drunk people pick up guns to dispose of them before somebody gets hurt.

The bias cut supposedly either slims wider hips or minimizes them. At least that's what the fashion mags say.

Mario Lopez's nephew gets all the points. For life. He is going to make someone VERY happy one day.

The Guardian article is really pretty interesting. She lived the kind of life that us average, workaday girls can only dream of. Which makes the hateration in the comments that much more amusing.

Good gracious! Does she ever wear anything that is NOT cute? This dress needs to get in my closet. Right NOW!

Stop making me laugh out loud at work! You are going to get me in trouble!