Erica Washington

Hot dayum! +1000000000 for a pic of a WOC getting it. This gives me hope!

How NOT to get hit on at the Gym: Be overweight, Over 40, and overly brown-skinned. Believe me when I say that no one bothers me when I work out. They don't even look my way for fear that I may be looking back.

I'm sorry. I need my men to look like, I dunno, MEN, perhaps? I mean, I'm no cougar, although I wouldn't have an issue with a man a little younger than me, but that boy looks younger than my son, and that just squicks me right out.

How we are viewed by some on the far left:

Eva Mendes wasn't joking in the least. She was likely dead serious, and just not prepared for the backlash she was going to face. She has some very retro ideas, and she should have just presented them that way and let the chips fall. IF she had just said something about not letting oneself go, or otherwise taking

But post-racial 'Murica because Obama!

With the exception of the Pastor, the majority of the leadership positions in the church are filled by women. We run the church. As such, our issues tend to be addressed before anything else, and that spills over into the political issues we discuss, and the programs we support, and/or contribute to. We are located

This just proves what I've said before in other conversations: The voice of the Progressive Christian is completely drowned out of any and all religious conversations in this country. The voice of the Christian feminist is not heard at all. We do exist, and as much as we are out there actually trying to help with

I second that emotion, as that is the EXACT way my mother found out about my father.

The only way to make this pic more accurate is to show him wiping his ass with it. That's pretty much where the money goes anyway.

The lobster Mac N Cheese is what they are telling the kids at my daughter's school is a SOMETIMES food. Vegetables and fruit are a DAILY food. Can you believe they are trying to teach kids moderation and portion control in elementary school now? Since when did the adults take over, and sensible dietary

I don't know why this strikes me as bullshit, but it does. Some recipes are obviously not as healthy as others, but most doctors will tell you that cooking from scratch, and not eating processed foods, are the healthiest things you can do for yourself, along with portion control and exercise. You also save a great

My son lost his wallet last week, so we are about to have to the whole DMV thing to get another State ID. Wells Fargo replaced his ATM card right away, and cancelled the one he lost, so there is that. At least you can go to one of the nice DMVs on the Westside. My son is stuck with our closest one in Hawthorne, but

While I may not be all about the slightly pretentious hippie thing, at least she isn't strung out on booze, pills or whathaveyou like so many of her young counterparts. Hollywood is a bitch of a place, especially for the younger girls in the business, and the pressure to stay high and fuck around is intense. I say

I was not surprised to find out that Drew Brees is from Texas. Certain people have mastered the Art of Shade before that's what it was called. Southerner ladies, grandmothers, The British (who you generally don't realize just insulted you until 15 minutes later), and the Upper Crust types like the gentleman in the

How much you wanna bet his friends were all like: