Erica Washington

This is an excellent meditation on grief, as grief can sneak up on you at the oddest times, and generally without warning.

This is the real issue with Care Court. I won’t say that it isn’t needed, because if you have spent any time around Skid Row in Downtown Los Angeles, you know that there are people wandering around down there that are not within shouting distance of their right mind, haven’t been for a long time, and will not be

In before the folks in the grays start to deliberately misunderstand the mother’s point.

Makes sense. This is as good a point as any to mix it up a bit.

This is the kind of thing that I am talking about.  No kid should have the experience of finding out that they were not wanted, or that the parent realized, after the fact, that they could not be good parents.

Three cheers for someone being honest about not feeling like they would be a good parent.  I wish more people would.

I am not really into coconut like that, but my sister makes a coconut pie from my grandmother’s recipe that is TO DIE FOR. Same thing with coconut macaroons from Southern Girl Desserts in Los Angeles. Not really into coconut, but those cookies were exquisite. Unfortunately, I think they stopped making them during the

I did not say that they deserved Best Picture, but they certainly don’t deserve to be dismissed out of hand for defying expectations of what “Black” films are supposed to be in order for certain other people to be comfortable with them.

Just my jaundiced eye POV: Black people only win Oscars when portraying characters within comforting stereotypical boxes: The Magical Negro, Sambo, Stepin Fetchit, The Noble Savage, Maids, Slaves, pimps/prostitutes, Bad Parents, Dirty Cops. You get the drift. A woman playing a queen dealing with extreme grief that

Then there were those churches that refused to stop holding in person services, some of which even made their congregations sign commitments to come to church EVERY Sunday during the pandemic.

I was checking the Blind Gossip pages for something else, and I ran across an item about Holmes. He can’t seem to keep his pants zipped to save his life, and there are PLENTY of women, some of them prominent in the industry, that are willing to talk about it.

She may have compartmentalized to survive it, but she is well aware that it is not something that she would allow her own daughters to do.

I kind of got that vibe, as well.  He has been silent his whole life, while being hounded by the press.  Now he is putting it all out there, likely in hopes that they will FINALLY leave him alone.

I took it as it sounded like they wanted to relax and actually have a fun party as opposed to having to play celebrity and have makeup and wardrobe done before attending, then worrying the next day if TMZ got an unflattering angle.

My hot take that no one asked for:

This is proof positive of my mother’s old saying, “Everybody ain’t your friend.” EGAD! What kind of people are these?

If a fellow actor can’t appreciate the fine work of art that was Troy-era Brad Pitt, who can?  The scenes between Pitt and Rose Byrne definitely worked, on every level imaginable.  In all honesty, he really elevated a fairly cheesy movie.

Honestly? My daughter is a senior this year, and I got the CTC right after I scheduled her Senior Picture Session($$$), so If these checks are going to help defray some of her senior expenses, I am all for it! Because y’all already know that Senior Year in high school is just waking up every day to some new reason to

Here.  Have ALL the stars for that one!  Absolutely CLASSIC!