This is gonna be me all day
This is gonna be me all day
I’m gonna join the other gifs in celebration of what hopefully leads to bigger fish being brought up on charges
Shame it wasn’t a more Trump target but anything that drives Tango up the wall is good all the same.
Prompt and courteous. Just what we’ve come to know and love.
FYI Kidnapper guy (Eric) if you’re kidnapping 12 yr olds at gunpoint “Child Molester with a same sex preference” is probably more accurate than “gay”. I acknowledge your deep commitment to fuckery though.
This kind of Mindfulness stuff :)
Okay fine, universe, I’ll take the hint. I’ve been on the fence about starting meditation, and given how precisely our relationships to sleep match up, I hope I can reap the same benefits. Thanks for the article!
Meditation helps me switch from go-go work mode to chill home mode (when I meditate, I usually do it right after work with my husband). I also meditate when I find my mind racing in circles. I use the Insight Timer for this too! And it’s really great. But I rarely try for more than 10 minutes, and I count any sort of…
Did you meditate to get through the non-concert parts of Purple Rain? ;)
So glad to read this! Meditation is very powerful! I read too much J Krishnamurti, who always asks people to figure out how to maintain a meditative state of mind without becoming dependent on the practice of meditation.
It sounds like you need to purify yourself in the waters of Lake Minnetonka.
I still don’t know what lake Apolonia jumped into.
First: White Cheddar Popcorn Fans unite! I don’t care how sticky it makes my fingers, it is my major dieting weakness. I hope for thematic appropriateness, you were eating Old Dutch.
Yes and amen! Purple Rain is a HORRIBLE film. But it is a GLORIOUS concert!
Outside of being a groundbreaking concert movie, Purple Rain is indeed pretty terrible. I’m not sure anyone could convincingly argue otherwise. That said, I appreciate it for what it was at the time—where it was set, the people in it, the things they talked about.
It’s a very 80s movie: patchy plot, bad acting, and all. But I probably would have bothered you into watching it also.
“I think those who are honest with themselves can objectively say that Purple Rain is a terrible movie.”
True, but this was the 80's. Everything in the 80's can objectively be called terrible.
Most of those 80's movies we love? Hot garbage.
Most of that 80's music that we listened to? Absolute trash.
Hairstyles? Ugh...
Yeah, as a story with a plot, Purple Rain is lacking greatly (as I was reading this story I tried to remember the plot. Something about a girl who wants Prince, be doesn’t want her at first, but then... Morris Day makes fun of him and Prince’s dad, Link Hayes, is abusive. I think).
“But I said what I said. I think those who are honest with themselves can objectively say that Purple Rain is a terrible movie.”
Yesha shoulda just told you it’s Prince’s Purple “Lemonade” from the jump.
The album is a masterpiece. The movie? Gurl.