Jason Johnson

I did not encourage him to be a better criminal, that’s a serious leap.

DUDE - the whole time I’m reading your story I’m running through 50 million Jason Bourne scenarios in my head. Like I wrote in the piece, I have delusions of spy grandeur. Your situation is very similar with one caveat : The guy was white.

Stares in Jemel Roberson 

Not true. I spoke to a few lawyers about this in preparation for the story. If a prosecutor wanted to get aggressive committing a crime on a flight that is managed by a federal agency can carry more serious penalties, and committing a crime while crossing state lines can get you in extra trouble as well. 

I weighed the odds, considered that it was ultimately not my job and made a good faith attempt at correction because that’s all I was qualified to do.

That’s the thing, as black people with a nominal degree of social awareness you are constantly navigating literal LIFE and DEATH scenarios while other people can blithely pay no attention to the consequences or aftermath 

Yes, this did occur to me as well. I was shocked that NOBODY else seemed to notice what this guy was doing. Mind you, I don’t know what happened when he got off the plane, he might’ve been gang tackled by SHIELD agents for all I know....


Gotcha, so let me clear this up because you either didn’t read what I said or simply want to create straw-men points to argue.

Your lived experience isn’t data.

My point, was less about THAT episode from 50 years ago than it was about how foolish it is to consider the subsequent 50 years to be real progress. It was revolutionary but only inasmuch as it showed something that was always know. White guys like sleeping with all different kinds of women. Surprise? But in the last

Then you’re in your own feelings. I specifically mention Black men and white women becuase that is the assumption of many people reading stories about interracial dating. That any black man critiquing how IR dating with BW/WM is really just pleading for more BM/WW. That is completely not what I’m suggesting. I am

That’s part of my point. These examples of ‘progress’ on race are often written and produced by white people or black people who are dedicated to appealing to white people through thier art. Think of a show like Dear White People on Netflix. It was written and produced by a black man but it’d depiction of black women

Please go ahead and list them. Because citing a movie from over 50 years ago doesn’t bolster your point. Name just 10 straight black male white female romantic pairings on television in 2018 and I’ll double it with black female white male pairings. It’s not even close. My work omitted nothing, the numbers you seek

I do not criticize an old tv show for being old. I criticize modern media for praising a show for being progressive when it really wasn’t all that revolutionary and for the subsequent 50 years which haven’t been all that ground breaking either. 

Yes. Because at its core Shatner was the white captain that bedded women all over the galaxy and felt it was his “role” to break that barrier. Typical. 

Do you think white Americans consciously think of racism everyday? Most just live it. Roddenberry did something bold. He also did something white people would be okay with. Besides how do you explain that 50 years later that dynamic is STILL the default? 

The article doesn’t contradict Nichols. It points out that it was only "ground breaking" in a way comfortable for white people and that has continued 50 years later 

Whoa I actually remember that place. There was also a used book store near the intersection of 28 & 29 but for the life of me I can’t remember what it was called.