Danielle C. Belton
Editor-in-Chief of The Root. Nerd. AKA "The Black Snob."

We could be friends, definitely! I make a similar seafood orzo cribbed from Maggiano’s Italian Restaurant: boil your orzo with lots of finely minced garlic, drain and stir in butter. Make your scampi using garlic warmed in butter & olive oil, white wine and cooked&shelled crawfish (Walmart frozen $7.99) and raw shrimp

I’d never heard of Newport, Arkansas before I got my DNA test on Ancestry. When I got the results back in 2018, I didn’t look at anything except the ethnicities, and there were plenty to look at. Then one day last year, I decided to see my DNA matches. One 1st cousin is there, but I know him. There are no other

“Infinite cousins”... I love it. I feel like people never believe me when I say I have at least 20 first cousins. Most of them live overseas so I could be off by a few... this is also hard to explain. No, I do not know exactly how many cousins I have, they are uncountable!

Such a lovely reminiscence. I feel that joy and thank you for spreading it for everyone to share.

So much here I’m still taking notes. Every conversation was a policy decision , because that’s how systemic and institutional racism work.

Would it be possible to have captions for these wonderful videos and also transcripts?

I love Stacey Abrams, and think she would be an excellent VP. Voting rights needs to be the primary focus of the Biden presidency considering that modern Republicans seem to be increasingly comfortable with subverting and suppressing the vote and using any and all dirty tricks to steal elections.

Best piece I’ve read about this whole situation.

As reprehensible as Kanye gets, and he goes deep sometimes, I just feel sad because I know how crippling mental health disorders can be. For many years I was medicated/treated for bipolar because at that time a PTSD diagnosis was not extended to anyone who didn’t serve in a war. The various medications & cocktails,

But the idea was planted in my head from an early age that sometimes my emotions lie to me.” This is very much what I felt like when I came through active addiction. I had a realization that my brain lied to me; told me I could use “just once”. It was devastating knowing I couldn’t trust the voice in my head.

This was a great and insightful read! 

I’m really late to this post, but thank you so much for this article. So many of the comments in the last few articles about Kanye, people just have no understanding of Bipolar and how it manifests. I have a lot of it in my family, and I’m kind of BP adjacent myself, so this whole thing is hard to watch. Thank you for

I would also like to suggest that The Root keep talking about Black mental health. Blacks have a lot of trauma in their backgrounds racism, implcit bias, watching modern day lynchings, economic struggles. Very susceptible to mental illness and don’t talk about it enough.

Thanks for posting something decent about bipolar disorder to counter the shit takes that have been running rampant.

What makes the manic phase so much of an issue is that it feels so fucking good. I have no desire to be normal, I want to be just a little manic. The level of manic where I am funny, in a good mood, getting shit done and not worrying about shit, not the manic where I spend all my money and get in bar brawls, though

Ultimately, this was my question, as well: Why are people enthusiastically co-signing the rantings of a very ill man? It’s sad to watch and infuriating to see people supporting it as if he’s making sense.

Thank you for this. I have bipolar disorder, as well, and it is extremely difficult to watch Kanye, with unfathomable wealth and resources, do what he’s doing. It would be different if this were the initial onset before diagnosis when everything is terrifying and confusing and unknown.

Really well done thank you. I just had a severe bipolar episode (my diagnosis now Bipolar 1 instead of 2) in April that was probably triggered in part by predisposition (previous hypomania) and the COVID pandemic. Came close to losing everything as I spiraled and angered and drank and became disorganized to the point

Thank you for this article!