Danielle C. Belton
Editor-in-Chief of The Root. Nerd. AKA "The Black Snob."

A pretty large percentage of Bostoners (and Mass and Conn in general) would be perfectly ok with this.

I live in New England and have been saying this for the longest. A Patriots win is a win for white supremacy!

Like the fascists they are. The Republicons changed the rules to move their own radical agenda forward.

The hardest part will come in the next 4 (or 8, or more) years when I have to explain this to my children. When I have to see the look on their faces, the vague recognition of what it means being raised under this kleptocracy/autocracy, under the unchecked power and despotism of an unmitigated sociopath.

First: Why was i not alerted to this earlier? ;D Second: my whole life has lead up to this taco. Third: What does Trump have to do with the fried chicken taco i am about to enjoy? Stop the hate!

“And Uncle Ben. Terrific guy, with some of the best rice you’ve ever had, tremendous rice. Shame what happened to him. We’re going to have to do something about Spiderman.”

Do we know where Matt Barnes was at the time of the robbery? I’m just saying...

I feel like those championship rings would be tough to sell. Probably have to just take out the diamonds and sell those.

So yeah. Killing young girls and detaining PhD students at airports. Great week Don. Way to show the world who you are.

I’m not a doctor but it looks like Sage is suffering from acute historical amnesia, forgetting that without the civil rights protests which inconvenienced millions of whites she might not be where she is today. Could also be afflicted with extreme vanity syndrome that believes any success one achieves is due simply to

Why do conservatives always try to justify their law breaking by saying it didn’t cause a big impact? Its the same bullshit that Y’allQueda used when they took over a federal building.

I appreciate the symbolic rejection of Trump’s nonsense, but is this necessarily a good thing? Because I feel like this is just gonna lead to more crazy Trump sympathizers in the bureaucracy, and at higher positions of power to boot.

“Instead of work with Trump”

So they’ll all be replaced by Russian sympathizers.

I believe that it was improper for the W/M to grab the child, but I had not yet determined that any offense of assault had occurred.