Danielle C. Belton
Editor-in-Chief of The Root. Nerd. AKA "The Black Snob."

Not to be a pessimist, but I have also read somewhere in the last day or two about Trump or one of his minions making a comment about it being time he had his own security take over. People not trained or with anywhere near the same mission as the secret service. If there was any validity in that they will use this as

She published a personal opinion to her personal Facebook page. Does the Hatch Act really apply here?

I can’t blame her, secret service are all probably thinking “If someone takes a shot at this guy, should we stop them?” If you’re willing to take a bullet for someone, there has to be some level of respect.

The United States was never a full Democracy. it’s a Republic, hence the “And to the Republic...” in the Pledge.

Goddammit why can’t Deadspin just stick to spor