Damon Young
Damon Young is a founder of VSB, and the author of What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Blacker (Ecco/HarperCollins), which won the 2020 Thurber Prize for American Humor

I loved those early 90s UNLV teams too, but the LJ comparison just doesn’t work for me, because as athletic as he was—I’m pretty sure he either won or came in second in a dunk contest—he never jumped off the screen like young Barkley/Blake/Bron did. Basically, I never was in fear of his life and the lives of people

um, borat was great specifically because phillips got fired from it a week into filming.

so a few people have asked for my opinion about the actions of the judge and bailiff, and I didn’t say anything about them because i assumed the take on them was obvious.

anyway, there’s the 35 word answer: i have difficulty imagining a black person convicted of murder getting hugged and his hair braided by agents of

maybe you should start driving everywhere. or perhaps cash in on lightskint privilege and get you a gulfstream.

there used to be one on the university of pittsburgh’s campus, but they found raccoon droppings and shit near the condiments so it got shut down. 

the “if it were any other dad” thing doesn’t really apply here. if your dad is 40-year-old damon young—or even the 30-year-old damon young who could still dunk easily—he needs to sit his ass down and watch the game. but lebron is ... different. like, if blue ivy’s a teen and singing in her church’s choir, you think

mother + first name feels like the name of a soul food restaurant in delaware

thank you! and maybe!

thank you. and waiting for that receipt.

you can buy the book. and, if you’re feeling guilty and/or reparations-ey, buy 17 of them. and, as far as which sort of purchase benefits me more —- they all do. it doesn’t matter either way right now. (i really do appreciate you asking though.)