Damon Young
Damon Young is a founder of VSB, and the author of What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Blacker (Ecco/HarperCollins), which won the 2020 Thurber Prize for American Humor

So, naturally in my previous post, I was defensive, but that’s what happens when you don’t take the time to really know what’s transpiring

thanks homie!

would it still be a surprise if he told you?

reading is good and fundamental and shit. actually buying is great.

thank you!

one black teacher my entire life, and that was in sixth grade. gravity is racist.

According to the reports I’ve read, she spoke to a doctor the day before she died.

I am not responding to a eulogy at a private ceremony or some article in some small Pittsburgh-based periodical. This is a piece in The Washington Post. An opinion piece premised on a lie, with multiple lies in its text and a lying-ass title. And these are the sorts of Pollyanna-ish lies that literally endanger

peep the update

lol, maybe we need to get you to some different barbershops

they’re gossiping like a group of 8 grade, mean girls.

the blackest things about #verysmartwedding, in no particular order

panama’s wife literally had an whole entire EXTRA squad of bridesmaids. never seen a wedding that had bridesmaids coming off the bench, tagging in and out.

we had three wardrobe changes — two of which were almost compromised by clothes that had to be

Thanks. We caught it and the edit should be showing up on the main page now. 

that was definitely angela bassett in mission impossible

you’re tattooing the person or the book?

definitely thirsty as fuck.