Shit. I’m ... surprised.
Shit. I’m ... surprised.
i feel like julius hodge has a desktop
for the record, the chromebook is my travel laptop. it costs like six dollars and does everything my macbook pro does. in fact, here is a pic of my chromebook and i partaking in our favorite activity.
Right. So then, viewing the episodes of Atlanta, that’s 2018, where, and I’m counting, in four episodes now Dark skin black women have been portrayed as angry, stereotypical, hood, and uncouth. The lightskin women as desirable yet crazy and unreasonable. And then using his past and recent works to come to a conclusion.
Hey. It seems as if you read the entry before a few more edits happened. Which happens with pieces I write sometimes, because I have unresolved issues about lots of things. Anyway, the language in the Glover graf has been altered a bit.
That said, I’ve very aware of what he has said in the past about black women. But…
yeah, that’s our high school’s name. in high school, we even used to do the tomahawk chop/chant like they do at florida state. i thought it was cool as shit then. now? um, yeah.
if by “office” you mean “at home” then yes!
i do now. haven’t always. but i started to within the last couple of years,
lol, that’s just a screenshot from the vid they released this morning. it’s not my fault he’s allergic to edge-ups now.
Just wanted to add that I know exactly how hallelujah is supposed to sound, but I just can’t pronounce that word. It makes my tongue sleepy.
I probably (definitely) should have articulated this clearer, but the point I was trying to convey was about Trump blaming everyone and everything other than himself for bad things that happen. I wasn’t really making a commentary about the shooter. Although I guess that works here too.
To be clear, no one said finger waves are “new” or “black” or “owned by black people.” This is just a fun piece, y’all — no animals or white people or flappers were harmed in the writing of this — so please have fun!
Drats. I forgot about good ol’ Mike “He’s a tall glass of milk ... and that’s literally all that he is” Pence
lol, that should be alpaca
“There’s a lot of otherwise smart black men I know who I can’t fuck with because they prevert the message of black equality into a message of “black MEN should be running this shit”. I got into beef with one dude because he said something along the lines of “feminism is about women oppressing men”, and I called him on…
Also, just to be clear, I still very much admire and respect Dr. West. He’s done so much — and he’s still doing a lot. But I really believe that, although many of his criticisms of Obama were valid, the way Obama didn’t really make space for him hurt him deeply, and that seems to be affecting his public work now.
Hey y’all. No comments/jokes about the kid’s physical appearance. Not cool.