Anne Branigin
Staff writer, The Root.

“In fact, some of those policies were put in place with Democrats in the White House and in control of our Congress. Policies that have become so ingrained in our daily lives as to have almost convinced ourselves that there wasn’t anything we could do about them.

This! Democrats need to reckon with the fact that they

I watched for 26 minutes! It was still going!

I would be somewhat curious, but mostly because I remember reading “Destined to Witness” about a black man who grew up in Nazi Germany, was indoctrinated into Nazi ideology but was ultimately restricted to minor jobs etc. because, of course, he was black. The love story part to me is unnecessary to the story as you

Hey, thanks Elizabeth Warren, for calling out Trump, YESTERDAY about his response to Hurricane Maria. It sure would have been nice had ALL the Dems in Congress called him out shortly after the hurricane, when we saw the best he was going to do for Puerto Rico was toss out paper towels like he was playing a game of

Saw it Saturday and thoroughly enjoyed the film - if only for Belafonte’s time in front of the camera.

This just happened to my mom. She went to her doctor specifically for pain meds for her arthritis and was tested for mj without being told she was being tested. Was told she would not get any pain meds until she was “clean.” And because they refuse to believe she’s in ‘real’ pain from the arthritis they know she has

Did we watch the same show. Mathew McConaughey was navel gazing, mental masturbating drunken loner. Woody Harrelson was a hypocritical “family man” whose family wasn’t buying into his bullshit. I didn’t bother with season 2 because the first episode was shit. If you saw this as “manly” I am concerned for you. 

Just saw it yesterday and while I enjoyed parts of it here and there, I felt it lacked fire and fury. I wanted it to be MORE didactic, MORE critical of the white institutions that prop up racists, not some rose colored view of things that they didn’t even do. 

Historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) pay higher underwriting fees to issue tax-exempt bonds, compared to similar non-HBCUs. This appears to reflect higher costs of finding willing buyers: the effect is three times larger in the far Deep South, where racial animus remains the most severe. Credit quality

Les Miserables would have been a lot shorter if Jean Valjean would have just explained that he didn’t know the bread was a sentimental item.

My ideal pick is Letitia Wright. Not only is she great but it will really anoy internet fuckwits.

This infuriates me. My ww coworker is now  giving me the “silent treatment” because I called her out on her racism and privilege. My husband says that she feels I owe her an apology. 

All of  the excellent arguments and counter-points aside...  Booooooo, I say.  BOOOOOOO.

as someone who’s written a sex diary for that site, the editors insist on stupid nick names for sexual partners.

i have no doubt the above mentioned SD was problematic, but at least the nickname thing is probably not something to get overly bent outa shape about.

the glory days of the SD was pre 08 crash, it has been

This may be off topic, but I read this story on the weekend and walked around teary-eyed through Sunday night.

“...Barack watched Michelle as she sat in her easy chair, reading her book. He then reached over and picked up his phone and opened up his Spotify app and, after a few seconds, the Bluetooth assisted sounds of Janet Jackson’s I Get Lonely filled the room.

My black fiance and my asian ass went to see this as a double feature with BlacKkKlansman. It was fascinating to see a minority driven movie directly facing white racism and then trasistioning to a film devoid of ANY white characters.

I got to see an early screening on 08/08 and was one of the few white people in the audience. The movie was fantastic and over the top. It really brought back the comedy part of Rom-Com. To me it was a fun, well acted movie, which I greatly enjoyed, and that is it.