Anne Branigin
Staff writer, The Root.

Must be a teacher trying to teach privileged white kids about slavery who went too far. Couldn’t possibly be a white teacher making black kids lie on the floor. I mean, that would be so ridiculous, I don’t even need to read the article. That wouldn’t ever happen in a sane universe.

“Cummings students say she delivered the lesson after showing a video of slaves being beaten, tortured and thrown over the side of a ship.” This teacher seems to really be into torture porn and inflicting both physical and emotional pain on Black students. She has no business being in a classroom. http://www.nydailynew

She was removed from her post for teaching black history before February. But they needed her to return by February 1st to share her progressive teaching techniques with the students that dont need it.

And on the same day, Oakland began giving out its equity permits, which are given first to those with previous marijuana convictions, those who have lived 10 of the last 20 years in city neighborhoods that had the highest percentage of marijuana arrests, or those who make 80 percent or less of the city’s median

I see everyone’s points, but I also think we are dismissing this woman when she’s actually speaking to a real issue... I say this as a former cadet headed into the military herself, from a military family.... So two things:

First of all...if someone is a military rank where their subordinates are required to follow their commands, why the hell isn’t the higher rank just getting on them for being insubordinate. It doesn’t matter what race they are, get in their face.

This reminds me of a training video I had to do at the hospital I work at. The training was based on dealing with different personality-types. Next to each personality-type was an image that was supposed to resemble the particular personality.

Thank you for bringing the phrase “Al Gore’s buck wild internet” into my life.

so you’re already calling this person anti-black?

It is very well accepted vernacular to call Women “females” in the military. It used to drive me insane on a daily basis.

Miss.A.B. Thank you for your comment. This type of situation happens more often than we care to think. I’m 56 years of age. Quiet, black female. I’ve made it my business, to mind my business. I’ve been asked (by white women/men) “why are black women so confrontational? My reply, “You’re asking me?


I’ve have always been a little ambivalent about graduation rates. At FAMU it always felt like we would let anyone in, but you are only going to graduate if you have your stuff together. This stands in contrast to say a Virginia Tech, were many of my coworkers in the past attended. Tech is selective of who enters the

this is an important point, and I’m glad both Gasman and Branigin included it. This is a race issue BECAUSE black folks are disproportionately low-income BECAUSE anti-blackness is real. Singling out HBCUs in this report is a bullshit move by the AJC.

It angers me seeing how the resources for college students have been cut back from what they were. I see my son struggle to keep a job and go to school and I remember doing the same, with about twice the amount of money coming to me every semester, with less than half of the loans, at half the interest, and all this

I’m always reminded of the old phrase ‘if everyone else is an asshole, maybe it’s not everyone else’. If she was consistently having issues with black women, maybe it’s not that somehow all the black women are just terrible people, y’know? I mean, there is a common denominator here and it’s her...

I’m going to call the internet “Al Gore’s buck-wild internet” every time now. So good!

She is a total idiot but probably not racist. It sounds like a certain demographic is hurting her fragile little feelings. Then instead of venting over some mixed drinks with real people she blasts the internet her idiocracy. Maybe she hasnt been around “black females” enough in her life but if she wants her ass

As a former NYCHA employee, I’ll say this:

I know the article points out the HBCU effect on Maryland, but wouldn’t it also have some effect on most of the Southern states? Most of the states on that list have one or more public HBCUs. At least for black people, I could see that having a big effect on one’s decision to attend the flagship state school. The