Anne Branigin
Staff writer, The Root.

It really doesn’t matter what the jury awards, unless the defendant settled for that amount, it will be appealed, and the amounts cut tremendously. I recently served on a NYC civil case, and the judge indicated that the number of million dollar plus payouts in that year that were actually paid out in New York state

Let’s also remember that women of color, especially Black, Latinx, and Native women have long histories of being sexually assaulted in the workplace, histories that, for Black women, dates back to slavery and the great migration. Domestic workers historically had startlingly high rates of sexual assault at the hands

Let’s not forget about Georgia State University my alma mater which awards the most bachelor’s degrees every year to african americans in the country. While not an official HBCU GSU is an amazing school for african americans and other minorities in Georgia. #justsayin

I’d like to know HOW she gets an invite in the first place? Does she have a footnote credit on a popular song?


Like “The Ring”?!?! LMAO!

Yeah, this is all kinds of bullshit. Is the text like The Ring? You get the text and you “die?”

Hiring discrimination

Perhaps it was a big story in the UK

Donald Trump, a man who at various points every point in his presidency has resembled a toddler, a dotard, and a weird combination of both,

There are more women that he raped that we are not hearing about because they don’t have any money or any sort of fame, but they are out there.

My daughter is a senior at another high school in Sacramento. She has had to deal with other (non-black) students using the N-word in her presence for years, although she hasn’t been directly harassed like the students in this story.

XO is 5 blocks from the White House so they real stressed.

Most of the harassment took place right in the classroom so I’m not sure if this comment had any other point other than to derail the conversation.

Is it bad that I sometimes mix up Jessica Chastain and Bryce Dallas Howard? I really do like both of them, I just can’t always tell which is which.

You messy. I’m here for it.