Anne Branigin
Staff writer, The Root.

It seems like the parent who is a US citizen should have to legally adopt the twin that he has no biological connection to. I’m a gay man and a parent and I empathize with how these parents must be feeling but there seems to be a clear legal path forward that they are trying to circumvent. If his husband had an

It is prudent to remember as adults then when we were teenagers, suicide rates were high for that era. The stress and mental anguish we went through was unique for the timing because the country was not used to examining the plight of children deal with traumatic issues (the effects of the crack era, gang wars, broken

The Washington Post article mentions that the number one lopsided destination for Hispanics is McAllen, Texas. There’s a couple of things to keep in mind about that area of Texas:

I don’t give a shit about Anderson’s “executive producer” status and his “narrator” side gig. That may have been justification in the early seasons but not now. Ross has more than proved she is just as vital to the show as Anderson, the show wouldn’t be the same without her.

Serious question: has anyone looked into how much work agents are actually putting in to try to get their female clients paid equitably with male stars? Typically, these pay issues are resolved via an agent or other intermediary, so I’m curious why I don’t seem to have heard anything about what a shitty job agents are

I’m from the south and I don’t know that the hell an “egg cream pie” is!

Love love love love love these discussions getting life and press!!!!

That’s some bullshit cause Tracee IS that show.

I get him starting out higher, for me at least he was a much more recognizable name, but you’d expect that to start to equalize in later seasons. I think it’s also pretty big news that they’re *both* getting so much less than ABC’s white sitcom stars.

What’s more, it should also be known that Christine routinely speaks of her assistant Katrina as ‘an idiot.’ Katrina is not an idiot.

Bottom line, eliminate the inequity in their incomes. If there is a good reason for the difference be transparent about it and ensure that it is justifiably reasonable.


This is bullshit because TER is a LEGEND.

His role is slightly bigger than hers (he does the narration, typically drives the narrative forward) so I would expect a small difference in their acting fee (e.g., he makes 125K vs her 115-120). But significant? That seems really off.

When he saw that Viacom went in on Janet, hard, Justin should have stood his narrow ass up and took responsibility as well.

“Move forward and learn from it” is bullshit talk for throwing Janet under the bus, never apologizing for his shifty ways, and make mediocre suburban music while taking from black music shamelessly.

Am I the only one who picked up on the Coming to America reference? No? Just me?

Almost wish a reporter would accept and the White House respond it is an isolationist country that keeps many of its technologies and myriad advances in various fields to itself or white house responds with it is small country we know little about. Either response would have me laughing at the reporter. Truly depends

Mr. Trump, are the rumors true that you will build a Trump Tower in Wakanda to help repair relations with the African nation?

President Trump after your recently reported comments on Africa, are you concerned that the Black Panther movement is gaining traction in Wakanda?