LOL. Tough but fair
LOL. Tough but fair
Right, I chose to focus on the questions that related specifically held by beliefs that white nationalists/supremacists hold dear. The “mixing races” question, like you mentioned, is found in all racial groups, but the rates also, compared to these other questions, weren’t quite as striking.
Nope! It was presented as a fraction to begin with in the write-up, so the statistical irony was definitely not lost on the UVA team that shared the report.
I may have paused and uttered a “are you fucking kidding me” to myself when I saw that stat myself.
From the original report (because these paltry ass numbers don’t lie):
Yes and no—the rest of that 46% would be divided between “agree,” “neither agree nor disagree,” and “I don’t know.” But you’re right in that they don’t outright disagree with that statement, which is pretty incredible.
Wait wait wait. What???
“Can you hear that sigh? It’s the collective sound of women across the globe weeping upon learning that I, Stephen A. Crockett Jr., have gotten married.”
Very little has been mentioned about him. He didn’t fire his weapon, so I personally doubt they’ll bring any charges against him.
Oh, you mean this story we did?
Genius. How is coercing someone to leave their house under the auspices of investigating them even remotely the same thing as getting water from an empty Kroger’s?
My personal favorite part of this story is that this five year old complained that her Muslim caretakers don’t speak English, and yet those same caretakers managed to indoctrinate her with all these lessons about Christian holidays being dumb and European women being drunkards.
Right! One thing mentioned by the professor I spoke to was how Northern elites really helped propagate the Lee myth. I found that to be really compelling and under-explored, and a better example of how the U.S., on both sides of the Mason Dixon, has built a very specific racial perspective into its history.
Ah! That should read “among the highest amount of hate groups per capita” or “among the most hate groups out of any state.” Thanks for pointing that out.
Right, it’s only a norm because it’s continually reinforced. I’d be curious to see another case, but a criminal trial involving a non-celeb, and see how it would fly. The tricky part is that there are so many moving factors involved that could influence jury perception that it would be hard to isolate using more…
Right! I think the general public caught that it was unique, but it was fascinating to talk to lawyers and see how they interpreted it. It was certainly deliberate, and I think the point was to be forceful. And, as you mentioned, it’s of tremendous importance that she countersued. The imperative was to say that yes,…
Hrmmm. I can see this just fine. Did it take you a few times to get it to show up?
I would personally like to thank Rafa’s thighs, GOOD FUCKING LORD.
Hi. Black-ish. Scandal. Grey’s Anatomy. How To Get Away With Murder. Bye.