Aliya Semper Ewing

Soooooo, anyone wanna continue to defend capitalism- or do you still think "we just need to fix a few things" before we can have a system that is (somehow) based on the exploitation of labour while simultaneously ensuring all workers are equal? 

A lot of people seeing “law school” and assuming the daughter is walking out into a six-figure job. More likely she’s graduating from a lower-tier school with a lot of debt and no job yet. That’s actually far more common than going into Big Law.

The landlord replied by saying, “Would you take care of your child?”

That’s your problem, not mine. No one needs to educate you on how bodily violence occurs to transfolk besides yourself. May I suggest volunteering at an at-risk LGBTQI shelter/program for further reading/ experiential education?

I fail to see how denying classification by gender is denying these people access to government programs and thereby preventing these starving people from obtaining a meal or a bed at a shelter anymore than a sox fan is denied access.

they’re denying transfolk access to government programs established to help the most at risk americans by way of denying gender as a metric for classification.

Counterpoints don’t really matter when you’re a starving trans-person on San Francisco’s Polk Street or the chicago blue line, but having the right to a meal,


I went to high school with her, and she was brilliant and funny and awesome. This is so heartbreaking. I hope she’s found soon, and safe. 

Ben Carson, the world’s most hated Oreo lover...”

When you’re accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression.” - Someone smarter than me

“A white dad, who spoke on condition of anonymity, was outraged that Carranza had suggested Lekakis, an assistant US attorney, was biased against black and Hispanic kids.”

This Brothers pockets are runnin over with Thank You’s. How bout giving him a pay raise?

so...there’s a few issues going on here. The main one is that you seem hellbent on not listening.

Was your son’s teacher Eddie Murphy in a fat suit, or did none of that really happen? 

Well first...I have no idea what you’re talking about.

hey, the nazi from the takeout is shitposting in your comments. dismiss them please.

The idea that kids in public school could even have a “lunch debt” is so fucking depressing.  Just give the kids food, damn.  

It’s not simply about keeping “racist language” out of schools; it’s about eliminating their racist ideology from our schools altogether, from curriculum choices, to proper diversity in staffing, and beyond.

Part of this will be to vote in 2020.