Aliya Semper Ewing

From teachers and principals laughing with nooses, to a bus driver dragging a bi-racial child from his bus, these instances of hate are disturbing, disgusting, and must be stopped before its too late for our children and our society. It’s not simply about keeping “racist language” out of schools; it’s about

The truly sad part is that people like this know exactly how they are shaping the future generation, and are doing so with an understanding that society moving forward means - to them - that they have to make sure minorities with unfair circumstances and a socioeconomic underdog status stay that way. Fuel to the fire

Rest in power, little angel.

Fuck this. I mean, do these teachers never stop for a second to consider the impact of their profession, part of which is shaping how your students are going to view the world? I guess it doesn’t matter what field you’re in with that mindset, your chosen profession becomes: racist.

Once we had dignity and class in the White House. That seems so long ago...

Lots of people have been asking, but Natasha took her picture without permission, so nobody wanted to doxx her.

As a minority woman, you’d think she would have some sympathy for a fellow woman of color.

I’m sure they will. I mean, that to me is the most of the irony here.

She wouldnt have done it if the driver was a white woman. Period. She violated that womans privacy to humiliate over something so trivial.

What an amazing Lady.

Three counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and discharging a firearm in public and his bail is only $35k (why wasn’t he remanded?)? Oh, Florida.

He is talking about models, friends , and other jobs that aren’t senior level positions. That’s cool to have lower level diversity, but what about those high level , big money positions?

Defending an innocent man’s life and liberty are the greatest service to our country anyone could perform. Thank you.

Isn’t it ironic that when presented with jury duty people are panicking over how to get out of it ?

“Do you believe Virgil Abloh is doing all he can in his position to diversify the fashion industry?”

One win in the legal system proves winning is possible. If BLM had an organization like the ACLU or the FFR, they could tackle more cases and force changes.

Pre BLM, a similar offer based on lies was given to my sister. Cops show up to a public area to arrest someone else. She was at the wrong place, wrong time. She didn’t hear massa’ orders to disperse. So he blindsided her, maced her, and beat the shit outta her. Charged her with felony assault on a cop and resisting.

I am from the West Indies and I wash my chicken, with lime, lemon, or vinegar before I clean, salt and season my chicken. Watching travel cooking shows it seems like this is done in many hot places (I know people from the Philippines and they do this). The chicken is washed in glass or metal bowls, everything is