Although the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has not granted a permit, the company building the Dakota Access Pipeline…
Water protectors who have been protesting against the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline in North Dakota…
The American Civil Liberties Union and the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights sent a letter to the U.S.…
Less than a week after militarized police raided a #NoDAPL resistance camp and arrested 141 water protectors, the…
As Native American groups continue to protest the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline in Cannon Ball, N.D.,…
Native American opponents of the Dakota Access Pipeline have received a wave of support over the last few days. From…
A post that went viral on Facebook beginning Sunday evening urged users to check in at Standing Rock Reservation in…
In a press release issued Oct. 28, Amnesty International USA announced that it will be sending a delegation of human…
Almost simultaneous with the militarized police raid in North Dakota on Thursday, Native American youths took over…
Police and National Guard troops arrested more than 140 water protectors near a Dakota Access Pipeline construction…
Hundreds of militarized police were deployed Thursday to a resistance camp built by Native American water protectors…
Standing Rock Sioux Chairman David Archambault II asked the United Nations for help Tuesday in preventing the Dakota…
It began earlier this year in North Dakota when members of the Standing Rock, Rosebud and Lower Brule Lakota tribes…
Less than a week after North Dakota Gov. Jack Dalrymple activated the North Dakota National Guard to reinforce…
I was born and raised as a descendant of enslaved Africans on Ute, Cheyenne and Arapaho land. I was born on the…
Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein and Green Party vice presidential candidate Ajamu Baraka have both…
Updated Friday, Sept. 9, 2016, 5:30 p.m. EDT: In the wake of the brave and unrelenting actions of the Standing Rock…
In about four minutes, MSNBC host Lawrence O'Donnell reminded liberal white America that it has the blood of…