The actress recently retweeted that the sentiment that someone "blacker" should play Nina Simone was "reverse racism at its best." Clutch magazine's Yesha Callahan wonders what it will take for the public to accept Saldana's identity, and the fact that Hollywood will do what it wants.
Now a retweet can be taken in several different ways. It could either mean she's cosigning the sentiment, or felt the need to share someone's opinion about the subject [that's] been brewing for some time now. Either way, she's apparently feeling some kind of way about it.
The possibility of Saldana being [cast] as Nina Simone has received a lot of backlash. People have said she just doesn't have the talent to pull off such a role, that she's not a singer, but mainly because of her aesthetics.
Whereas the tweet is citing 'racism', it may be more appropriate if it mentioned colorism. Although Saldana has claimed many times that she is a black woman, apparently to many people she isn't black enough to portray Nina …
How many times must she yell, that she is a black woman? Just because she comes from a [Spanish-]speaking country, doesn't mean she's any less blacker (yeah it's not a word … so … ) than the next black chick.
Yesha Callahan's entire piece at Clutch magazine.
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