Dear Weddinged-Out:
You and your fiance sound like two people who have considered their options and know exactly what they want. And what they don't. Good for you!
If you want a really intimate gathering with close family and a few friends, why not consider cluing everyone else in by sending a brief note informing them your wedding will be really tiny? If you're planning to have a celebration later on that they'll be invited to (backyard barbeque, beach party, cocktails on the deck), mention that. And you can even use that opportunity to address the present conundrum:
Dearest Family and Friends:
As you know, we will be married later this year. We've chosen to do it in late July, and our fondest wish is to have a very tiny wedding with only immediate family and a few others we've known for a long, long time.
We hope we'll have your understanding and best wishes on the 31st, and will be thinking of you all on that day.
And we hope we'll be seeing you on September 6th, when we have an open house reception at our new address . (It will take us that long to unpack!) Details will follow soon.
Please don't worry about presents--your presence truly is the present we'd most like to have. (And at this point, our apartment isn't so large that it can hold much more...) If you feel moved to, we've included a few nonprofits that would deeply appreciate any help you'd like to give.
So send good thoughts and prayers our way on the 31st, and know that we will be thanking you for your support and love.
Kamala and Martin
You could include a photo of the two of you in your letter of intent. Follow with an announcement
Kamala Miller and Martin Becker
are pleased to announce
their marriage
31 July 2009
Broad Courtyard
Central Library, Los Angeles
and/or if you have a party, you could include a photo of yourselves on your wedding day on a card or in a paper frame, or on a commemorative paper bookmark or magnet (Kamala and Martin, July 31, 2009).
Mazel Tov,