You Said It: The Root's Comment Roundup

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Lauren is a former Deputy Editor of The Root.

Easy as Pie

Ndoro on Pat Buchanan Offers Solution to Black Unemployment: "It's a simple answer: black entrepreneurship. The more businesses we own, the more of our own people we'll employ. The main reason for the disparity between black and white incomes is the percentage of white people that own their own businesses. The struggle is to make investment funds available for those willing to start these businesses."

'Imagine That'

QuietThoughts on VIDEO: Harold Ford to Obama: Ignore Occupy Wall Street: "Gee, a banker telling the president to ignore the people, imagine that."


Amen to That

MMikeJBenN on Joyner's Call for Blacks to Re-Elect Obama Draws Heat: "As long as the Republicans continue to make their mission to make Barack Obama a one-term president, I say Amen to Tom. As long as President Obama continues to receive racist hate mail, I say we should indeed vote for him because he is black. As long as whites continue to vote Republican, I say Amen again."


Surprise, Surprise

clarke on Pat Buchanan Makes Racist Claims in New Book: "Considering the source, is this surprising to anybody?"


Learn to Laugh

Aaron C. Ramson on Stop Racist Halloween Costumes!: "Society knows the difference between a costume that is cruel and a costume that is not. When I look at all three of those costumes depicted in the posters shown, I don't see anything that provokes a feeling of disgust. I don't see anything that shows a blatant attack on a race or a serious disregard for cultural sensitivity. I am a multiracial male who has a Hawaiian, Native American, Asian, Italian and Puerto Rican heritage. All of those cultures share one thing: the ability to laugh."


Throwing in the Towel

Nikesha on Obama Unveils Student-Loan Relief Plans: "The president's plan is admirable but I think even he knows, recently out of student loan debt himself, that it's going to take a whole lot more than dropping interest rates, capping payments and forgiving loans to fix the fundamental problem of the increasing cost of college education. It's more of a throw-your-hands-up and say 'f—- it' solution than an actual solution in my opinion."  


'He Must Be'

QuietThoughts on Herman Cain's Stance on Gays Doesn't 'Wash': "OK, if I have it straight so far, Cain hates poor blacks, Hispanics and gays. Yup, he must be a Republican …"


Power to the People

dophouse on Occupy Wall Street: Can Democrats Seize the Moment?: "This movement is not for the Democrats or Republicans and it needs to stay that way. The Dems are bought and paid for just like the Republicans. This movement isn't even for Obama! It is completely independent. It's the power of the people!"


Who's That?

seamus12 on Bryant Gumbel: Exposing Himself or David Stern?: "Bryant Gumbel has been irrelevant for at least 15 years now. Why does anyone care what he thinks?"


Swimming With Sharks

narmermenes on Eddie Long Accused in Ponzi Scheme: "I don't feel sorry for the church members who lost their money to Eddie Long. You swim with sharks, it's nobody's fault but your own when you get bite. Perhaps, they should do something strange for a change, like read their Bibles."


Words of Appreciation

hjo4 on Obama Announces Total Iraq Troop Withdrawal: "Not bad for a man others swear is 'leading from behind'. Thank you, President Obama."


Time to Intervene

Mr Jason on NYPD Cop: 'I Fried Another Ni—er': "Where are you Eric Holder; and, what good are you?"


What's the Point?

QuietThoughts on Is Marriage Equality for White People?: "Perhaps if blacks had not voted overwhelmingly against same-sex marriage, you would have a valid point. As it is, you do not."


No Such Thing as Bad Publicity

Natdenmark on Herman Cain Leads GOP Pack: "I think Cain could possibly win the nomination just like I thought Obama could win. He's playing the game well and the polls show that. All the character assassination hasn't hurt him; it's helped him."


Discount Diplomacy

narmermenes on VIDEO: Cornel West to Herman Cain: 'Get Off the Crack Pipe': "Cain is a genius. His 9-9-9 tax plan is the same as his old Godfather's Pizza sale price, $9.99. Don't be surprised when he offers the new corporate flat tax rate of $99.99, and the new 99-cents-per-day health care plan."


Stay Out of It

JJohnIII on Russell and Kanye Stop by Occupy Wall Street: "If it is not their material conditions that 'encourage[s] young African Americans to get involved' but Kanye West's mere 'appearance,' then best they stay uninvolved. And didn't John Lewis teach Julian Bond that heroic deeds of a day long gone do not purchase lifelong deference?  And let us fervently pray that 'I love how sweet and tolerant he was to the crowd,' was an off-key attempt at irony, or humor or hip-hop!"


'End of Story'

Bayou Lady on Why Herman Cain Is the Perfect Racist: "I don't care what color Herman Cain is … he's conservative. I'm not. We differ on pretty much every issue that holds any importance to me, so he won't be receiving my vote. End of story."


'It's a Wrap'

clarke on Oprah to Relaunch Struggling Network: "Will I watch? No! Why is it so hard to believe that some folks are sick of Oprah and anything Oprah? It's a wrap. You had a good run, O, now go sit down."


Stop the Protests, Hit the Polls

kdog on Blacks Need to 'Occupy Wall Street' Too: "A lot more will be accomplished if we 'occupy' the voting booths next and every election — federal, state and local."


Hazing Cain

Icantrememberallofmyaliases on Herman Cain Knocks Occupy Wall Street Protesters: "Linking the protesters to Obama is creative. It's also off-message and illogical. Who's crafting his talking points? He's out of control, all over the place, too unpredictable and crazy-sounding. He sounds like a complete callous creep blaming people for trusting too much in the Ponzi schemes he, too, played but lucked out playing."


Re-Evaluating Priorities

BlackJesuscom on VIDEO: Sherri Shepherd Hits Barbara Walters on N-Word: "If we spent as much time debating how to redirect our $800 billion in buying power toward creating and supporting black businesses, and thus black jobs, we would be a lot closer to creating a much bright future for young people who desperately need our help."


Missing Something?

Devil's Advocate on VIDEO: Can Perry Recover From 'Ni—erhead'?: "I dislike Perry; but, he is guilty of going into a place with a name painted on a rock that he had nothing to do with? What am I missing?"


'Can Only Imagine'

tokensunited on Study: Education About Civil Rights Movement 'Dismal': "If New York got an A, I can only imagine what's going on elsewhere. In South Dakota, they're probably teaching kids that the Montgomery Bus Boycott happened because black folks thought the buses had ugly rims."


No Favoritism Here

Charles House on If Obama Had a Black Agenda, Would It Help Blacks?: "From a practical standpoint, the very Hispanic voters that helped push Obama over the edge in 2008 and make him the first minority president would go crazy if they perceived that President Obama had decided to favor blacks over all other minority interest blocks."


A Larger Beast

fsilber on New Voting Rules Could Hurt 5 Million Voters: "I think he underestimates the issue, as we have far more than 5 million undocumented immigrants who will be prevented from voting if these measures are tolerated."


You're Right

QuietThoughts on VIDEO: Cain Says Blacks 'Brainwashed' Against GOP: "Open-minded? You mean rejecting lunacy that is detrimental to me? If so, you are right, I am closed-minded to stupidity."


Pale Male

socialismisevil on Study: Dress Better, Look Whiter?: "Yes, I did notice as soon as Wesley Snipes dressed nicer, he looked more pale."


'Simple as That'

dfsdgf dfgdg on 'Over' the 'First Black President' Thing?: "When will people get it into their heads: We didn't vote Obama because he was black, he was the best choice of all the major candidates, simple as that. He became president at a bad time, he knew the risks and took it."


Go for Broke

Mortol Man on Sly Stone Homeless, Living in a Van: "This is one of America's greatest musical icons. The industry is exactly what it is. It extracts, seduces and leaves little if nothing behind for the artist. The Mayflower brought you over, but there were no tours on western culture."



ddsawyer on TV Guide Responds to Henson Cover Flap: "Who in the devil even reads TV Guide anymore? The publication is irrelevant; and, with this kind of editorial policy, one can see why!"


Going Global

LG from NC on Rapping While White: The Celebrity Edition: "I love the fact that again we as black folk have created something that the world has embraced fully and has placed a high demand on … With that said, with as many black 'artists' (loosely used) out here 'skittin' and 'skattin' their way to big record deals using the same ol' tired themes and lyrics, I hope nobody has the audacity to go after these guys because they are white. Why is their race important anyway since hip-hop is now global?"


Innocence on His Lips

BigBlackRod on Troy Davis: Executed by Georgia: "How come deathbed confessions are sacrosanct, but death-row assertions of innocence aren't? If Troy Davis would have confessed to the crime as they stuck in the needle, everybody would have breathed easier. But, since he went to meet his maker with protests of his innocence on his lips, the MacPhails and death-penalty supporters want to disregard his words. Face it: y'all killed an innocent man. What's worse, y'all knew it."


Words Matter

Clarke on 'Nig**s in Paris': Can White People Say It?: "The only problem I have with the title is that Kanye left out a word. Should have called it 'Rich Nig**s in Paris.' "


That's the Ticket

irighti on Does Writing About Race Make You Racist?: "Huh? Not talking about race will make racism go away? Wow! How did Dr. King and others miss that revelation. Yep, that's the ticket."


Presidential Pint

Ronjayaz on Obama Attacked for Beer With Honored Marine: "We've finally got a president of the people who's not afraid to be seen with a beer in his hand. Beer is the most ancient of alcoholic drinks, going back to the Egyptians, when it was called mead. This is the second time that the president has associated beer with conviviality. Remember the Gates affair? Obama in 2012!"


Law and Order

1Reader on Troy Davis Update: Polygraph Denied: "If he is an innocent man, everyone should be worried because if it could happen to him it could happen to you. America needs to live up to its ideal of 'innocent until proven guilty.' "


The Go-To

BaddaDanU on Does Writing About Race Make You Racist? "It's the new go-to phrase for those white people who are allegedly uncomfortable with discussing race ('allegedly' since these are typically the ones who plunge headlong into every discussion about race just to express their displeasure with the topic). 'You're a racist!' gets shot at anyone who dares to speak up for people of color."


Loud and Proud

nomad on Tavis Smiley Says He's Not an Obama Critic: "Really? Obama critic? Why deny it. It's to his credit. If only more prominent blacks had the courage."


Hearts on Sleeves

George Smith on 'Black Man' Cookies Are Big in Romania? "So what? What is the difference between that and the Washington Redskins, or the Atlanta Braves, or a number of other ethnic references that we accept in our everyday lives here in the U.S. Take your feelings off of your shoulders and move on."


Damned If You Do, Damned If You Don't

vdurham66 on Obama Attacked for Beer With Honored Marine: "If Obama pooped out enough gold from his behind to bring the U.S. out of its economic slump, people would say he sat on the wrong color toilet to do it. The man can't do a damn thing right in the eyes of so many of these fools!"


Simply Stunning

Nichelle Calhoun on New Miss Universe: Angola's Lelia Lopes: "A stunningly beautiful woman. Simply, Miss Universe should be a celebration of the diversity of beauty in the world. I am happy that she was able to represent yet another facet of humanity. Africa or not, this is just another beautiful example of the range of beauty within the human race."


'If Ya Don't Know …'

clarke on Limbaugh on Colin Powell: 'Melanin Is Thicker Than Water': "You thought it wasn't? To paraphrase the words of Biggie: Well, if you didn't know, now ya know. Ask yourself this question, 'Who is it that made it that way in America?' "


Big Brother

Andre Smith on Saggy-Pants Ban: Florida Lawmaker Hands Out Belts: "Not a saggy pants fan, but this is pathetic government parenting …"


A Little Hypocrisy

DLS77 on Rick Perry Reversal: Signs Anti-Gay Marriage Pledge: "Hmm … I thought he wanted to make the 'federal government as insignificant in the lives of Americans as possible.' Federally mandating who is (and is not) allowed to marry is pretty significant …"


'It Is, What It Is'

QuietThoughts on Ambivalence About Changing Racial Demographics: "I am in the group shrugging its shoulders. No reason to do anything else, it is what it is and those that can't deal with it will simply be rolled over."


Beat Around the Bush

LG from NC on Obama: Policy Could Create 1 Million Jobs: "No speech. Just post the plan front and center on the White House website. Then, start getting Congress in line. Give two weeks for a review with media silence from all politicians, and let's see a head-to-head debate on live TV on the merits of the proposal."


Soul Train: The Great Equalizer

movingout on The MLK Memorial's Complicated History: "When I was a child I remember watching Soul Train on TV with my parents. I didn't know there was any gulf between blacks and whites; I just enjoyed the music and dancing. I had to be taught that. I was told I'm prejudiced and I'm responsible for the repression of blacks because I'm a white male. That's quite a thing to find out suddenly when you're having a great time thinking everything's peachy keen and everyone can really be nice to one another."


A Simpler Explanation

carolw on Juanita Bynum Types in Tongues on Facebook: "Naw, it was her cat walking across her keyboard!"


Not Again!

edmondesq on How Conservative Myths Stoke Racial Fear: "Once again, The Root fails black America …"


Question Everything

Marilyn on The Truth About Nat Turner: "This is exactly what happens when myths are accepted without question."


Get a Life, Folks

Waldimore on Will and Jada's Marriage: Who Cares?: "We are literally DROWNING in celebrity culture. It's gotten to the point where people have nothing else to talk about because they don't do anything but obsess over people they don't know because they are famous. We really need to get a life."


In the Cut

fasttony46 on Breaking Up With Boyfriend Barack: "Obama is just laying in the cut waiting to strike like the lion he is!"


Late to the Game

ronjayaz on David Starkey: 'The Whites Have Become Black': "This is a first-class poop article. Demonstrators are as old as dictatorships and kingships. In fact, blacks came very late to protesting as evidenced by 250 years of slavery."


Outside the Classroom

hevdavis402 on Michelle Rhee Challenged at Martha's Vineyard Forum: "For the neo-liberals, here goes one for you. How do you educate the 15-year-old who is robbing people at gunpoint? There are more problems in education than just the teachers. By blaming the teachers, neo-liberals don't have to work on fixing the social mores that are spilling into our schools."


The (Black) Man Your Man Could Smell Like

Kam on Black Men Are Never Called Sexy: "Didn't tons of women go crazy for that Mustafa guy in the Old Spice commercials a year ago? Believe me, I heard the word sexy and much, much more when women were talking about that guy."


Critical Wit

fsilber on Smiley, West: Too Much Baggage on Poverty Bus: "People are criticizing what they perceive to be Obama's inadequate response to poverty, but I would point out that his response to homeliness among Americans has been weaker still. Plastic surgery to this day remains a province of the affluent."


Conservative Conception

BeingHuman on Is Rick Perry Just What Obama Needs?: "I don't think it matters. The president will be re-elected. Perry appears to be a combination of Bush II and Ronald Reagan. If men could have children without a woman, and those two got together, you would get Rick Perry."


A Little Reshuffling

LG from NC on Your Take: Bill a Threat to Poor Students: "If the law has been in effect since the time of L.B.J., yet we are still talking about a huge education gap here in the U.S., then maybe, just maybe, it's time to change the structure of the law so that those tax dollars are used more effectively."


More Power to You

Deanna Lewis on Prostitution to Pay for College?: "I find nothing wrong with this. These women are doing what many women before them have done. They are just smart enough to get something out of the deal that can't be taken from them — an education."


Preserving a Problem

Mahboob on Black Student Sues School Over 'WIgger Day': "Troubling. Related, how much have hip-hop, video and mainstream culture preserved structures of minstrelsy?"


Can We Get a Time Check?

Lee Byrum on Rep Apologizes for Obama 'Tar Baby' Comment: "I mean, damn! What year is it again?"


“My Body, My Choice”

natalienjackson on New Rules Require Free Birth Control: "Yet another advance that supports the mantra, 'my body, my choice.' It begs the question … if we have complete control over reproductive decisions pre- and post-conception, will we finally embrace the fact that, in 2011, with all these rights, we have complete responsibility? With access to free contraception and safe abortions, is it time to discuss the reproductive rights of men? Just a thought."


Live and Let Live

Laymen on Dominicans in Denial: "I guess it's a matter of looking back or going forward. [It] seems like Dominicans are at peace with themselves and don't want to be hostage to a bitter past — slavery. To bring a victimhood mentality to Dominica and try to co-opt their identity is ridiculous; live and let live."


A Little Perspective

LG from NC on Don't Forget Blacks in the Deficit Struggle: "I wish folks would stop all the 'rich whitey vs. poor blacks' crap. The major entitlement programs are killing the budget. Medicaid and Medicare are soaking up just as much of fed spending as we pay for our country's defense! Both programs need to be reformed so that the costs are curtailed."


Words of Encouragement

Elynor on Central Park Dig: Black Town Unearthed: "Dig … Dig … and Dig some more for our rich and wonderful history to be disseminated throughout the world for all to see, hear, respect and appreciate. With the warmest regards, Elynor."


Lay It to Rest

Ceece on Jackson Family at Odds Over Tribute Concert: "Well, just don't have one! I love Michael; but, trust me, I won't die if we don't see another tribute concert. The limelight has dimmed, Jackson family. Get over it."


Telltale Sign

barvan on Georgia Town to Fine Those With Saggy Pants: "I say let them wear their pants down to their knees if they want. It's just that much easier to tell the difference between the idiots and the rest of us. I'll be able to spot an idiot a mile away and know they aren't worth my time. By the way, can we include the morons who wear their pajamas in public?"


Nothing But the Truth

fsilber on Cops Shoot Chicago Kid 8 Times: "We must press hard to determine what really happened. People have a right to kill when someone threatens them with what appears to be a gun, but cops have also been known to swear to lies when covering up errors."


Neither Here Nor There

stonepony on Do Black Voters Have Obama Blues?: "Does not matter, we are still going to vote for him. He is a Democrat; and, more importantly, he is black."


You Got the Spirit?

Sarafina on America Forgot James Weldon Johnson: " 'Lest our hearts, drunk with the wine of the world, we forget Yhee' ('Lift Every Voice and Sing'). What a powerful and awe-inspiring song attesting to the spirit of Africans in America …. back then."


Never Forget

This protester invokes the most emotional combination of numbers in current American consciousness: 9/11/2001.


An Alternative View

scottjg01 on Meet Bachmann's 'Ex-Lesbian' Friend: "You know, folks, people have as much right to NOT be gay as they do to be gay. Why is this such a negative thing?"


The Sherrod Legal Defense Fund?

Ladydragon on Blogger Wants Shirley Sherrod Suit Tossed: "I'm so sure that Beitfart would just love for Sister Sherrod to drop the case, I wish someone would tell me where to send donations to her legal defense fund."


Light Show

Phillynick on 'Single Ladies' Gets Another Season: "Whatever light they're projecting on women, doesn't matter. I can see the light. The show is good, it's entertaining and realistic. These sisters are single … and they're doing what single women do. I love it cause they're very good to look at and they bring it every show."



pthompson on Your Take: Lessons From the Atlanta Cheating Scandal: "Sadly, this just isn't happening in Atlanta with black children, it’s happening all over the country with all American children. If Americans plan on competing with China and India we have to fix our educational system. Unfortunately there are many teachers willing to cheat with 'pay for performance' programs. There has to be a better way …"


The Everyday Gay

Jak Dee on Queen Latifah Says Gay Is the New Black: "I wish we could stop talking about this! I'm so tired of it, and I'm gay! We went from having no gay characters on media to identify with or admire, to the point that we are now common! I never wanted to be common! I just wanted to be me and to have the same privileges as anyone else in our country."


Just Sayin'

BLAQBUCK on Michael Irvin Appears on Out Magazine Cover: "I'm sorry, everybody … but at the risk of being crass … That cover is f—king hot. LOL."


Facing the Truth

Son of Baldwin on Why Does America Romanticize Slavery?: "Americans romanticize the past because they simply couldn't face it otherwise."


More than Make-Believe

AZRock on Who Gets to Tell Black Stories, Anyway?: "Notice how a certain segment of Americans who are likely to have access to privilege can create an article about basically being a 'ho' and some applaud her for it. This is beyond bad comedy. Real women are being raped, and not having fetish sex with their iPad-loving, green tea-drinking boyfriends."


Lend a Shoulder

MissMichelle09 on Black Teens and Suicide: For the Love of Siwe: "Depression is so prevalent among African Americans and it's hitting us younger and younger. It's hard to find the support and also the courage to search for that type of support from your close friends and even your loved ones … I hope that I help anyone who's talked to me or just needed me to listen because we have to do something about this. Be proactive."


Let's Break It Down

Anonymous on Let's Not Be Distracted by Casey Anthony: "Some of you have completely missed the point of this article and are still babbling about how the jury got it wrong. The jury got it absolutely spot-on, there was no evidence to convict. 'Innocent until proven guilty,' not the other way around, which is unfortunately the case in many, many trials. Rodney Stanberry's case absolutely breaks my heart. It is shocking and appalling that this man is serving his 15th year in prison when no evidence has been presented to place him at the crime scene."


Getting Priorities Straight

kruk on NAACP 'Deeply Concerned' by CNN Lineup: "Perhaps the NAACP should focus on the rampant crime, poor performing students and poor economic numbers, and let the networks decide who they want to put on their shows. Or maybe they need to investigate the NBA and its lack of diversity?"


It's What You Make It

Carmelita Rollins on Don Lemon Talks Colorism and Coming Out: "I admire Mr. Lemon for coming to terms with events in his life. He could have used the sexual abuse as a reason to become addicted to substances or live off the welfare system. He is a role model for young black gay men, showing them that if you really want something in life, it can be achieved. A gay man used to live next door to me and at the age of 61, still waited for help, did nothing for himself. Shortly after moving here, we felt sorry for him and bought food. He sold it for drugs. Life can be what you make it."


Crime and Punishment … and Money

Michael Jarman on DSK, the Chambermaid and Justice: "This is pure nonsense. There is a vast logical and philosophical difference between being a credible fact witness in a crime and being poor and making difficult life choices. The rhetoric in this piece is so shoddy. Really, what does DSK's wealth and status have to do with his committing a crime or not? What do the prison statistics you quote have to do with anything related to the topic of your piece?"


Beauty Is Beauty

Andre Warren on The Lighter the Skin, the Shorter the Prison Term?: "I just dig beautiful."



nick furry on Review: 'Is Marriage for White People?': "Last time I checked, black women are mad that black men don't date black [women]. And, now you are saying black men aren't worth getting married to. I'd build a big fence around your house to keep the angry mob out!"


Overcome with Joy

Redneckatude on White Babies Now a Minority in U.S.: "No offense, but 'Yay!' Beautiful brown babies for all!"


Keep It on the Court

geoffjonz67 on Why Do They Hate LeBron So?: "The fervor with which the American sports public, particularly the Cleveland fans, revile James is at best simply childish and ridiculous, and at worst sinister in its racist basis. There is no doubt race is a factor, as much as many will deny. Why didn't John Elway and Eli Manning receive the same vitriol for snubbing the teams that drafted them? There is sadly and unfortunately only one answer."


All in Jest

Greg Williams on VIDEO: Herman Cain Responds to Jon Stewart's Stereotyped Black Dialect: "Let me get this correct. It is okay for conservatives to call President Obama any and everything but a child of God (The Joker Portrait, Hitler reference, Parent being monkeys, etc) but it’s not okay to ‘mock’ a black conservative's idiotic proposal about bills being ‘No more than 3 pages long’ and to do so using his voice and mannerisms? Now, how ‘hypocritical’ and “ignorant’ is that complaint?"


Same Ol' Thing

vdurham66 on Rihanna Sounds Off on 'Man Down' Music-Video Critics: "I've reached 45 and haven't experienced the ill effects that were to befall me from all the '80s videos parents were up in arms about. Each decade sees this outcry. The amazing thing is that it's parents that were kids from the previous decade. We must have short memories."


Not Too Kreay-zy

Benedict Witherspoon on The Kreayshawn Myth: "At least she's critiquing the hypercommercialism that so many rappers buy into. While Kanye is still hung up on how many pairs of Louis shoes and man-bags he can buy, we have a young one from the Bay saying, 'actually — I don't need all that.' That makes her more unique (dare I say 'weird') than her skin tone — especially because if you look across YouTube, you'll see lots of white rappers who (weird and/or talented or not, haven't gotten recognized)."


Philadelphia, Born and Raised

Osiris L.P.B. on Patti LaBelle Sued Over Airport Beating: "You can take the girl out of Philly but you cannot take Philly out of the girl."


Religious Issues

Barbara Primous Jackson on Eddie Long Can't Cash in on Creflo Dollar's Support: "The issue I have is Eddie Long still trying to lead when he is lost. I have issue with congregants being condemned for finding a new place to worship when they no longer feel as if their spiritual needs are being met. I have a problem with the arrogance of these leaders. I don't believe that either of them are fit to lead a PTA meeting let alone be the spiritual leaders of tens of thousands of people."


Stick to Your Day Job

Giazzy OhsoClassy on 'Single Ladies'? Must We?: "Dear Queen Latifah: Push the producing hat aside and bring back Living Single.


Not Exactly

Eboni SternJohn on Is This Dove Ad Racist? "That's a stretch … maybe if I squint my eyes, hold my breath, hop on one leg in a circle while doing cartwheels, I could look at the ad and see that it is racist … right before I pass out from stupidity …"


Pays To Be the Right Color

Kinsmankid on The Hot Un-Ghetto Mess!: "It details the double standard in relation to the way screwups among both the black poor and the white elite are viewed in society. If someone black messes up, it reflects on the entire race. If a wealthy white does something foolish, he or she is not seen as an example of all whites."


When Will it Change?

saadell on 'Dark Girls' Documentary Exposes Skin-Color Bias: "I just watched the excerpt from Bill Dukes' documentary, Dark Girls. It was painful, so sad that we are still caught up in colorism that we reject our own people. I guess the young man who said that he doesn't like darker complexioned girls was being honest, but I found it truly disgusting and narcissistic on his part. But I also know that many black men share his attitude. This truly is sad, so sad. "


Papers, Please

scottjg01 on What ID Laws Will Mean for the Black Vote: "Someone put a sock in Jesse Jackson's mouth. How can a person not have ID? If you have to defend a group of people for not knowing how to get an ID then the people you are defending should not vote. This is an embarrassment to all black people."


Special Treatment

Whamabama on The Professor and the Bellhop: "I am getting tired of these so-called 'black' intellectuals who are assailing our president … how does this Cornel West know exactly who this 'bellhop' is? His problem is that he feels 'entitled' to go to the Inauguration and not some 'lowly bellhop' … whoever decided that he was special and deserved preferential treatment?"


I Will Not Go

B G on Will White People Go to the National Black Museum?: "Well, I'm white and personally I would not have any reason or interest in going to such a museum. That's not to say that there shouldn't be one. Heaven knows, the group that's been persecuted the most on this planet besides Jews are blacks, and I think it's perfectly valid to recognize their cultural uniqueness. It's just not a culture with which I personally identify."


The Brothers West

Osiris L.P.B. on Why Cornel West Is Wrong About Obama: "Cornel West is rapidly becoming academia's version of Kanye West."


Now, That Would Be Crazy!

sharmaine73 on Thieves Target Human Hair: "Well, after reading the article I am a little relieved because I was picturing masked thieves roaming the streets with scissors, looking for women with long hair, especially Indian women, to mug. Either way, this is just getting silly."


Who's Under the Bus?

Jihadisco on Did Don Lemon Throw Blacks Under the Bus?: "Don Lemon did not throw black people under the bus, just the homophobes. I'm so happy for him. Life is much more happy when you're authentic. Inauthentic people live a sad life, no matter where in life they are, because they constantly live in fear. God bless Don Lemon."


Dangerous 'Science'

Girlfriend on Black Women Are Less Attractive. Oh, Really?: "I am a black woman and while this bothers me, I am more concerned about how this kind of 'scientific finding' might affect young black girls. I know we live in a selfish, narcissistic world but how exactly is this 'scientific study' beneficial to society?"


Sorry, Alicia

Mo J on Alicia Keys: Tired of Homewrecker Label: "If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck and smells like a duck, chances are … it's a homewrecker."


Fox's Trigger Finger

NoSacredCow on The Conservative Nonsense Attacks on Common: "All Fox needs to go off on a rant is to hear 'black' and 'rap.' Doesn't matter if the words are the New Testament or reading the phone book …"


Facing Reality

LittleChica on Yes, There Are Positive Images of Black Women on Reality TV: "Most of us can foresee a very bleak future for Ms. Leakes — and Star Jones and Snooki and (fill in the blank from reality show infamy). You can sell your dignity for 15 minutes in the limelight but the darkness will come. Trust that. Unfortunately they are not the first. 'What does it profit a man to gain the world but lose his soul?' The answer hasn't changed."


Who Shot the Sheriff?

ronjayaz on Remembering Bob Marley, 30 Years Later: "Never forget his great song, 'I shot the sheriff …' No one yelled 'cop killer' when that came out because Bob Marley could sing 'sh-t' and everyone listened. It was a great time."


Maid Sense

Kinsmankid on Meet Vera Stark, Domestic Ambiguity in Hollywood: "I'm a bit offended that people take offense at seeing black actresses play maids. It's honest work. My grandmother was a domestic. My mother did janitorial work to put her children through school. And I swung a mop for a few months when I needed work. Back in the day, black women didn't have the educational and career opportunities we have now. In this weak economy, cleaning also is an option. A lot of these women who work as maids are self-employed and can make their own hours. They're not on any public assistance."


Broadening Horizons

Shizi Longde on Black Expats 2.0: "I have often thought that every black American of high school age should be forced to spend a month in a non-white country. Their tolerance for the status quo in the States … would erode rather quickly."


Dragon Tales

Butternut on the The World's Real-Life Fairy Tale: "[Barack Obama] slayed the dragon? Seriously. Get a grip. He gave the order; the SEALs did the slaying. Let's avoid conflation."


Presidential Promises

FilthySwit on Obama Kept His Promise on bin Laden: "Yes, folks, it's actually newsworthy that a president keeps his promise. Obama is no exception.


Idiot Brigade?

Charles Vekert on The Myth of Black Confederates Persists: "Every race and time produces a few blithering idiots, so I would not be surprised to find a few black men fighting for the Confederacy."


Tacky All Around

clarke on Women With Condoms are Tacky: "Somebody needs to tell that ignorance and stupidity and that damn hairstyle are TACKY."


What Does He Want, a Cookie?

scottjg01 on Kid Rock: 'I Love Black People': "Boy, what a relief … I sure am glad he likes black people. Is this really a story? Does the NAACP really think it needs to give awards to people who like black people? What a waste of time!"


So Much for American Brothers

deucedeuce on Black Canadian Like Me: "Try being an African in the U.S. It's funny, I thought I would come to the U.S. and at least have my black 'brothers' to fall back on, but I was more a foreigner to them than to my Caucasian counterparts. I keep having to tell them I'm from a different continent and not a different planet."


French Fries or a Salad?

Emily O. on Tyler Perry: Why Cry Over Criticism?: "Comparing Tyler Perry to Spike Lee is like comparing fast food to a nutritious, home-cooked meal. Lee's work is meant to challenge us and make us question what we think and believe while Perry's work mostly works to fill our need for entertainment — but not help us grow in the long term."


Enhancing His Image

Kalvin Jefferson on Warren G Promotes 'Male Enhancement' Pill: "Let the man get his paper please! Better [this] than [the] dude slangin' them things and hollerin' '187' at an undercover cop!"


Easy for You to Say

Estevancarlos on Coming Out: Not as Simple as Black and White: "I am straight and have wondered what must be involved in coming out. I completely understand being around a family or community that doesn't approve and having that influence your decision. However, I'm always shocked [at those] who take a subversive role of simply trying to fit in at the expense of their identity and others. I can never understand that."



Ghandigee on Why Barack Obama Is the Real Donald Trump: "The article should be titled 'Why Donald Trump Is No Barack Obama.' President Obama has nothing to prove. Obama has shown his mettle under the most adverse conditions and treatment any President has ever received. On the second thought, to use that buffoon Trump's name in an article about the president is near blasphemy."


Staying Where You ‘Belong’

artemis on Good Education Is a Right, Not a Crime: "I can't help but think these two women are being singled out. One used her dad's address (a place where the kids spent several nights a week). The other doesn't even have a legal address to put down. Wouldn't she be in violation by enrolling in any district? Somehow I don't think there would be a problem if she'd registered the boy at a crappier school. Seems like a thinly veiled 'stay in your place' to me."


Shut It, Spike

READER2010 on Tyler Perry: Spike Lee Can Go 'Straight to Hell': "Really, Spike Lee had this coming to him. It all [boiled] down to him being jealous of Perry. Spike Lee needs to understand that Tyler Perry is not him … both of them have their own unique gift. I'm like Perry, he needs to shut up!"


Blame Snoop?

Charles Thompson on Blast Cold 45: New Media, Same Old Tricks: "Name another ethnic group that would give Snoop Dog a pass if he was one of them. He has pushed alcohol and pornography yet he is used by major corporations like Pepsi. Our Rome is burning and people like Snoop Dog are playing the violin …"


GOP’s Weak Humor

Blackbeard on Chimp E-Mailer Apologizes But Keeps GOP Post: "The weakness of the humor is what I find most remarkable. I can't believe anyone older than 10 really would find it funny. My feeling is that this kind of 'joke' exists mainly to reassure insecure racists. I hope the dumb old lady keeps her job, she will be a great asset in the elections."


Blaxploitation = Hip-Hop

PeoplePlease on Blaxploitation's Baadasssss History: "I always felt hip-hop music took the same route that Blaxploitation films did. You had a pseudo-conscience art form that influenced us for the better, then Hollywood gets involved, coonery ensues and we get set back further than where we were in the first place. [From] Spook Who Sat by the Door to Dolemite. [From] Public Enemy to Lil Wayne. There are some forces at work, people.


There’s No Government in Baseball

scottjg01 on Barry Bonds Is Guilty. Whoop-de-do: "Our government in all its glory! What a sinful waste of time, money and resources. Bonds is a rude jerk and has an inflated sense of importance. He is arrogant and pompous and he can hit the sh-t out of a baseball going 95 miles an hour. So what! Government involvement in baseball is ridiculous …"



olenholm on What Africa's Click Tongues Tell of Our Origins: "When I roll my eyes at something stupid (like some of these comments) I also suck my teeth and I'll damned if there ain't a click! Okaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyy?"


No Right Way

msfwdc on Why Kobe's Slur Wasn't Anti-Gay: "Until there is a 'right' way for a white person to use the word 'n—ger' as an insult, there is no 'right' way for a straight person to use the word 'f—got' as an insult. Same goes for all other slurs. Period! The historical disrespect, inequality, denial of human rights, violence and socially sanctioned abuse, while not identical in both instances, is vastly similar. In both cases, the objectionable behaviors against members of a disenfranchised class originate from the same lack of acceptance of God-given human differences and distrust of those perceived as different …"


Do the Math

Gem0124 on When Unemployment Runs Out: Meet the 99ers: "I was laid off in July 2009 just three weeks after receiving my MBA. I've applied for hundreds of jobs with little to no response. Employers want you to have a work history, but once they see the jobs you've held, you're automatically overqualified. McDonald's may be hiring 50K people but there are more than 13 million unemployed. Now maybe some of you are using the new Republican math, but the math I learned tells me that those two numbers don't meet anywhere!"


Is That a Date?

D Marshino on Donald Trump: I Have a Great Relationship With the Blacks: "That's nice, Don. I have a great relationship with 'the Loudmouth Billionaires.' Maybe we can meet for lunch some time. You, me, Mark Cuban. What do you say?"


If You Say So

cmaw77 on RightWatch: I Will Miss Glenn Beck: "You lied about Glenn Beck, who is one of the most wonderful [men] I know. He is telling the truth about [George] Soros, and he proves everything he says."


Offensiveness: Expected

Kam on The Book of Mormon: South Park on Broadway?: "It's from the makers of South Park (one of whom is married to a black woman … Matt Stone, I think); it's going to be offensive in one way or another.


Negative Associations

cookykamp on Does Al Sharpton Have the White House on Speed Dial?: "Obama would do well to distance himself as far as he can from Al Sharpton. That association is a death knell for him with the white voters who cast their ballot for him in '08."


Read a Book!

MSINGI on It Really Is Better Now for Blacks: "No one is saying anything is perfect, but it's ludicrous that anyone would consider saying that life in America for blacks was better in 1911 than it is in 2011. Please log off of your computer — a luxury in itself, might I add — and go read a history book. Thanks."


Trumped Up

isitreally on Trump Blasts President Obama in Today Show Interview: "Saw it; hated it! Wasn't surprised by the amount of time the corporate media permitted this to go on. Unfortunately, I never understood that The Donald was such a racist twit! Our POTUS is bringing haters out from all corners of the country."


Judge Not

sophia8898 on Gospel Singer Slims Down and Comes Out: "The sad part is the African-American community has a hard time dealing with people who are gay. That is why we have so many gays who are living double lives — because they are treated badly once they do come out. It's so sad how ignorant we are when dealing with gays. It always amazes me how quick we are to say they have demons and are going to hell! I was always under the impression that God was the only one who judged …"


I Know What I Know

Shawn Dove on Malcolm X’s Daughters Dislike Marable Book: "To even ask his children about this is disrespect. You say anything about my mama, I'm busting you in the head or [threatening] to at the least. Black folks should know better. You really don't need to read this book. I will because I know it will contain tons of legal documents and data. But I know all I need to. I know George Washington cut down the cherry tree and El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz stood for militancy, integrity, independent thought and my freedom!"


Diploma-ers Are the New Birthers

Pfunk on Why Donald Trump Went Birther: "I can't believe some folks are still stuck on stupid with this birth certificate not valid nonsense. Y'all need to put more of that effort into finding Sarah Palin's high school diploma!"


Controversy Sells

devika03 on Odd Future’s Odd Fan Base: "Look at 20 years ago with 2 Live Crew. They sucked but got famous because of their controversial lyrics. Where are they now? I think Luther Campbell squeegied my windshield the other day."


No Whining Here

James Barnes on The State of Black America Is Getting Worse: "It amazes me how we (blacks — whether rich or poor) are forced to conform to the status quo set forth by white America but we're called 'whiners' when we try to convey our perspective."


Get Money

pres on Cash Handshakes and Sexual Favors for College Football Players?: "I say get all the money that you can. These big-school college athletes are exploited and make millions for their schools. If I were a top recruit I would insist on an offshore bank account with money put into it on a regular basis. Ain't no way in hell I would be generating huge revenues for a school while my family is as poor as church mice. Absolutely NO WAY!"


Drug Tests for All

Jesus H. Crizzle on Florida Governor Wants Poor to Pay $35 for a Drug Test Before Receiving Welfare: "How about Rick Scott taking a drug test since he is on the guv'ment dole?"


What War?

Pfunk on Why No One Likes Obama's Libya War: "Last time I checked, we were not officially at war with Libya. What's the big deal here except the fact that we have a very wise Prez who knows how to handle international conflicts in a way that makes sense."


The Real Fashion Police

RAYNARD VINSON on Stephen A. Smith: Dez Bryant Is Looking Like a Fool: "Where would we be without the underwear cops? Unless they weren't wearing drawls, the only thing you'd see is undies. How many of you women have lusted after him? Besides, most young men sag now. No wonder crime is out of control. The cops are too busy making folks pull their pants up. Just another bunch of 'old' haters."


Baby Steps

francislholland on Juan Williams: Brutally Honest, Not Bigoted: "If I found myself walking down the street and had to walk through a group of 17-year-old white guys with shaved heads and tattoos, I would be afraid of those white men, but I would walk through the fear and walk through their group anyway. It's positive that we're admitting that black people can be 'racist' against each other. It will be an even bigger step when we admit that 'race' doesn't exist, and that what we're really talking about is something far more simple: skin colors and skin-color-associated physical characteristics …"


Baby Mama Origin Drama

rockstar310 on The Origin of the Term 'Baby Mama': "I [Wikipedia]'d 'baby mama' and it lists 'black American princess' under 'see also.' [Ridiculous.]"


Accepting Responsibility

Trish Myers on Chris Brown: Stop the 'Woe Is Me' Act: "People in the comments section, please stop making excuses for Chris. HE got himself into the very situation he's complaining about. HE was the one that broke the dressing room window. It's very apparent that this kid has problems and has not learned a thing from that management class. I don't care what color he is, stop giving passes to celebrities."


Partyin’ and Perpetratin’

tlynette on Ten MCs With College Degrees: "This is cool. Young folk need to get real about their rap heroes: Most of these brothas and sistas ain't stupid people, just out partyin' and perpetratin'. I heard Chuck D lecture at my alma mater a few years ago, and this is a well-read … articulate brother, who can 'code-switch' in a heartbeat! Listening to Kool Moe Dee on 'Way Black When' last month, demonstrates the point that painting all rappers with the brush of 'thug' or 'gangsta' belies the fact that many are educated individuals with some good business chops, who just happen to be in the 'entertainment business.' "


Risky Business

seventhrama on Who Is Herman Cain?: "The United States government, or for that matter, any government, cannot be run as if it were a business. I think Mr. Cain has been spending too much time in his ivory tower and is unwilling or unable to see the reality of that which he is seeking to participate in: Politics."


Changing Perceptions

tonyalj on Why I Am a Male Feminist: "It's rare that I come across this type of viewpoint being advocated by a black man. Often it seems that few men understand or feel regret for the fear they can inspire in women and children. I wish that more black men would think critically and act more intentionally about how they wish to be perceived by their families and communities rather than buy into the commonly accepted definitions of masculinity."


Just Do It

Vince on No More Forums About a Black Agenda: "These events are becoming embarrassing. You don't see other people having these types of convos in public. They just do what they're going to do."


Sage Advice

SeldomSeen on Bill Cosby Rejects Russell Simmons' Apology: "Why is it necessary for Cos and Russell to get along? It's why you ask for [forgiveness]. That's the risk; sometimes [apologies] aren't accepted. You aren't owed an acceptance. Try giving more thought to the action before you commit it."


For Real?

Tanksleyd on The Root Recommends: Janet Jackson's Tour: "When will Janet ever recommend her father? Joe Jackson made all of his kids millionaires, kept them off of dangerous street drugs yet many want to condemn him. To date I have only heard Jermaine speak up for his father while most of them remain silent on the issue. I personally think that Joe Jackson (and the father of the Williams sisters as well) is a great American father."


Can't Catch a Break

Katherine Zeller on Charlie Sheen Heads to Haiti: "Haven't the people of Haiti suffered enough?"


No LOLs Here

icantrememberallofmyaliases on It's Time to Cut Tyler Perry Some Slack: "What are you talking about? Comedy is supposed to be … funny. Sanford and Son was funny. Meet the Browns and House of Payne [aren't]. Every argument criticizing his work isn't player-hating. Some directed criticism is about the quality of work."


Not Proud to Be An American

peacelady on Hunting for Muslim Radicals: "After watching Congressman Ellison break down in tears at these so-called hearings, I am as ashamed of America as I was when Bush invaded Baghdad."


Lesson Plans

Alexander Thomas on Slavery Lesson Exposes Flaws in U.S. Education: "I'm not quite sure why students have to play-act being slaves to learn about slavery. Do you have to go to boot camp and pretend to shoot and kill Vietnamese soldiers to learn about the Vietnam War? Do you have pretend to be in concentration camps to learn about the Hitler years? Do you have to stage the assassination of Kennedy and King? Have a student be the shooter? I don't get it. Is that going to get them accepted at a college?


No Comparison

Adam Tolman on Does Bill Maher’'s Racial Humor Get a Pass?: "It's absolutely absurd to compare Maher's 'act like a real black president' joke — which, whether you found it offensive or not, was clearly a joke — with Bill O'Reilly's genuine shock that black people are capable of eating at a restaurant in a civilized manner. If you think Maher's racial jokes go too far, that's a valid opinion. But comparing him to someone like O'Reilly makes no sense."


Harsh Sentence

rosa101 on Notorious HIV: The Criminal Prosecution of a Virus: "Anyone who does not inform their partner of their HIV status and knowingly infects someone with HIV should get a death sentence. Anyone who has unprotected sex with anyone is a fool!"


On Birthers and Bush

Winterbound on Bill Would Require Obama to Prove Citizenship for Presidential Primary: "Too bad the Democrats didn't demand copies of George W. Bush's military records before he was allowed to run for office. Had that happened, we would not be a country on the verge of collapse. I never cease to be amazed at how the Republicans have one set of rules for themselves and a different set for the rest of us."


No Love for Sheen

E. Joyce Moore on Why Blacks Love Charlie Sheen: "I truly hate it when someone tries to speak for everyone. Who are the black people loving Sheen? Four of your friends? The only ones loving Sheen are those in the media, apparently obsessed with his nonsense. He should be in jail, but is seemingly above that, according to someone's standards, and frankly, his 15 minutes post-Two and a Half Men is long since over."


Don’t Blame TV

Blackbyrd on Fight Night: Black Women on Reality TV: "Please stop trying to make everything about TV. I've been watching black women battle all my life. It's nothing new. My mother and my aunts. Black girls at school. Black girls in the sororities in college. Black women at my job. Please. Just like most things, it starts in the home and your surroundings. The blame-it-on-TV defense is becoming a tired cop-out. Black women by and large are taught by our culture to be adversarial, and unfortunately, that can escalate to getting loud or physical. The question is, how do we stop that?"


Better Late Than Never

Clark on Black Church Leaders Ask for Forgiveness From the LGBT Community: "All I'm going to say on this subject is it's about damn time. Now maybe we can act like adults instead of a bunch of scared children and start getting a handle on the HIV/AIDS epidemic."


Redirecting Our Focus

WmarkW on Black History Month Is Over. So Over: "If you want to make Black History Month relevant, stop repeating the same homilies to Rosa Parks and Frederick Douglass every year, and use it to conduct a serious study into the roots of important issues, like fatherlessness and homicide."


Can't We All Just Slow Down?

fsilber on Rodney King Anniversary: Pulled Over by Cops the Day Before: "What I couldn't understand is why the news stories at the time described King as 'a black motorist,' rather than, say, 'a high-speed arrest evader.' I thought precision rather than vagueness was one of the hallmarks of good writing. Someone who read only the headlines would have gotten the impression that he was beaten merely for driving while black."


Rush’s Rib Race

MdHoneyB on Rush Limbaugh: Michelle Obama Is a Hypocrite on 'Let's Move': "Maybe the loud mouth blowhard was mad because she beat him to that rib. Rush is simply a disgusting human being who spouts hateful and racist propaganda. His popularity really shows the many listeners that tune in to his vitriolic vomit. Michelle Obama is a class act and he simply a hater period because his criticism is totally without merit, as usual."


Wealth and One-Drop Rules

QuietThoughts on Halle Berry and the Resurgence of the Tragic Mulatto: "Honestly, of all the problems I see ahead, this one rates at about number 8,743 on my list of must-deal-with items. Berry can just call her child rich. Everyone understands that fine."


Mysterious Mackie

icantrememberallofmyaliases on The Root Interview: Anthony Mackie Talks 'Adjustment Bureau': "He's handsome. I had no idea that he was emotionally fidgety around women … It's still rather refreshing he emoted about something so vulnerable that women might misinterpret as a weakness … Do another interview with him, please. I want more. Don't you?"


Judge Not

bouras on Bill Cosby on Making a Good 'Muslim Cosby Show': "No disrespect to anyone, but the [negative] comments are bizarre. Don't you realize that this sort of rhetoric has been used against our ancestors to dominate us? It has also been used against Native Americans to justify their quasi extermination … Of course Muslim countries should be more tolerant and just. But who are we to judge anybody?"


Blood Money or Hard-Earned Cash?

Stonewall J on Black Artists Accused of Taking Blood Money From Libya: "All money ain't good money. Try telling that to a homeless man. Get that money, [Beyoncé] …"


Art Imitating Life

Darrell Turner on Black Maid Ablene Cooper Sues 'The Help' Author for Embarrassing Portrayal: "Seems like to me if I provide a character for your novel then I Helped you write it. Hmm, maybe this title is saying more than meets the eye."


Clarence Thomas: Speechless

NER on Clarence Thomas' Ex-Girlfriend Reveals Relationship Details in Memoir: "I predict another 5 years of silence."


Helping Moms After Babies Are Born

demoshe dodge on Beyond the Same Old Abortion Debate: "They are so concerned about a woman's private parts and yet they are against helping the woman after the child is born. If these people are truly on the morality side of history, they should help the mother financially once the child is born instead of just [spouting] rhetoric."


Bamboozled About Breast-Feeding

BibiBMore on Why Don't More Mothers Breast-Feed?: "Sadly (as with a myriad of other issues), black women have been bamboozled into thinking that breast-feeding is disgusting or that it takes something away from their men. I certainly understand the convenience of bottle-feeding, especially for working mothers, and I understand that many black women on medication cannot breast-feed. But breast milk is the most near-perfect food a child can get. We've got to educate our sisters more on the benefits of breast-feeding."


Bravery (in True-Story Form)

Bushirah on Recy Taylor: A Symbol of Jim Crow's Forgotten Horror: "When asked the question, 'How are you able to take so much?' these are the stories that haunt my mind and help me to believe some of this bravery (in true-story form) went into our chemical makeup as a people and a gender. They remind us to keep standing and that it 'ain't' so bad for me on some of my worst days!"


Lighten Up

icantrememberallofmyaliases on Comedy Group Spoofs 'Real Housewives' with Civil Rights Icons: "People spoof historical icons all the time and it's created in jest. Our black icons are not exempt and … [the comedy group] might have wanted to laugh at how stiff we relegated them to be … These people did extraordinary things but they are still human and it's sad that they are deified to the point that people are too under-educated to understand we've grown from being dogmatic, one-dimensional beings too prickly to laugh at ourselves."


Rangel Love Is Everlasting

Rockstar310 on Charlie Rangel: Will Seek Re-Election: "You're assuming that the people in Rangel's district believe he is overstaying his welcome — that is not true. In fact, it's quite possible that the whole ethics trial boosted his support because of this mentality/notion that black elected officials (Obama, Waters, even Steele) are unfairly under attack."


How Does This Happen?

SeldomSeen on Safe Havens: Saving Teen Moms: "Read the first paragraph and stopped. Anger started to boil. The detachment that allowed this to happen is criminal. Fourteen-years-old, pregnant, parents didn't know? Not even the mother was engaged enough to notice mood, energy changes in her daughter? All it would take is a hug during the last three months to notice something! Did a teacher, school official, neighbor, family member, anyone notice a 14-year old was pregnant?"


Show Me Some Credentials

BLKManCommonSense on Very Smart Brothas on Love and Self-Awareness: "Why does there always have to be some affront to professional/educated black women? The topic of black relationships can be approached without having to undermine the achievements of black women or men. Are either of these brothas psychologists or [a licensed professional]? If they aren't, then why would any woman take advice from them about dating, love, and relationships?"


Separation of Facebook and State

Stonewall J on Facebook Struggles With Role in Revolutions: "Facebook is just a social network, not a government. Size does not always equate to who, what, when, where or how justice is made or perceived."


The Real Story?

Craig Thomas on Danroy 'D.J.' Henry: Grand Jury Refuses to Indict Officer in Student Killing: Eighty-five witnesses, a cop on the hood of a car and 23 citizens on a grand jury all think this young man tried to run over the cop. Maybe, just maybe, we can examine the possibility that this young man is an unfortunate victim of his own criminal actions. There are bad/racist cops out there, but that does not mean that every time a black man is shot or arrested it is because of racism.


Real Talent Isn't Boring

Christopher Alan Chambers on Grammys Recap: It Was a Snoozefest: "Esperanza Spalding winning is the metaphor. Snoozefest means the usual talentless clowns and has-beens don't win? Maybe the productive, talented, intelligent, wonderful creators of music aren't as troublingly flamboyant. That's fine with me."
