President Joe Exotic has found another Carole Baskin to blame for his inept and lackluster response to the Tiger King of viruses.
On Wednesday, the president did what he does best and shifted blame for his non-response to COVID-19 to the World Health Organization, claiming that they called it wrong and—get this shit—he also threatened to cut funding to the specialized agency for public health.
“With regard to us, they’re taking a lot of heat because they didn’t want the borders closed, they called it wrong,” Trump said at his daily rally for reelection disguised as a press conference. “They really called, I would say, every aspect of it wrong,” NBC News reports.
Trump added that as a result of his reinvention of actual facts, he is going to take a look at W.H.O.’s funding because he needs someone to take this heat off of him.
“Take a look, go through step by step. They said there’s no big deal, there’s no big problem. There’s no nothing, and then ultimately when I closed it down, they said I made a mistake in closing it down and it turned out to be right,” Trump said.
He continued: “We‘re going to put a hold on money spent to the W.H.O. We’re going to put a very powerful hold on it and we‘re going to see,“ Trump said, Politico reports.
The number of confirmed coronavirus cases in the U.S. has surpassed 400,000, with 12,864 fatalities nationwide as of Wednesday.
The W.H.O. responded to the president’s fake threats with a resounding, “Bitch, keep our name out your lying-ass mouth.”
“We are still in the acute phase of a pandemic so now is not the time to cut back on funding,” Dr. Hans Kluge, W.H.O. regional director for Europe, said, NBC News reports.
Even Trump realized that he was full of shit as he tried to walk it back during the press conference because the nation has a president who doesn’t know what the fuck is going on.
“I mean, I‘m not saying I‘m going to do it, but we are going to look at it,” Trump said after a reporter pressed him on it. “I said we’re going to look at it. We’re going to investigate it, we’re going to look at it. But we will look at ending funding,” Politico reports.
From NBC News:
Congress has already authorized $122 million for the WHO for this fiscal year, and while Trump has proposed only $58 million of funding in fiscal year 2021, Congress is unlikely to authorize such a drastic funding cut, especially in the middle of the pandemic.
The president also criticized the WHO’s initial response to the outbreak, which originated in Wuhan in China in late 2019, and the time it took to declare the outbreak a global pandemic, on March 11.
The WHO declared a global health emergency on Jan. 30, nearly a month before Trump tweeted that “The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA.”
Before his White House news conference, Trump lambasted the WHO on Twitter, calling it “China centric.”
The W.H.O. would respectfully like whoever is in charge of keeping the president in line to get back on his job and to keep their name out of the president’s anus-shaped mouth.