Imagine spending your free time away from your salary-paying job to send hundreds of racist threats to strangers who don’t like former President (and convicted felon) Donald Trump. Well, the Department of Justice accuses one Florida man of such behavior in a recent scathing indictment.
The FBI interviewed Tampa dentist Richard Kantwill back in 2019 after they received a complaint from someone who claimed to receive a series of threatening messages from him. The Department of Justice claims that was just one instance out of the many between August 2019 and July 2020 in which Kantwill allegedly went on a virtual tirade.
Federal prosecutors say he targeted people all across the country who “didn’t maintain the same beliefs as he did.” What beliefs...? Allegedly, anything and everything associated with being a bonafied MAGAt.
Take a look at some of his messages from WFLA:
“You, sir, are a degenerate piece of s—. read your article about The Great Donald Trump. It is so blatantly prejudiced that you don’t even attempt to be impartial, you [redacted]. You are gay…I can tell. F– you. I love what Trump does and where he stays. You ignorant [redacted] never cared about how the great ghetto [redacted] Obama and how he got rich, but your going to get a hard-on about where Trump stays. So blatantly ignorant, and liberally immoral. God bless the Great President Trump and his family. F– you and yours. Hire extra security…you’re gonna need it. I plan on f—- you up…just for the fun of it.”
“Hey [redacted]..ever get tired of losing??? Cannot wait to shoot your ghetto a– in the street..you will die like every other [redacted] piece of s—.”
“You are a degenerate c— and you are now the target of our own investigation. Take note because liberal [redacted] like you get raped in alleys, by really big black guys that serve our cause. So, you [redacted] are going to get raped by at least 5 [redacted] and do nothing. You are the number 1 target, you degenerate [redacted].”
Alright, that’s enough of that...though, there is more. The DOJ claims there were about 100 threats in total Kantwill sent to over 40 different people — one of whom installed a $4,500 surveillance system out of safety concerns, the report says. When asked to meet with the FBI once again in 2021, prosecutors claim Kantwill defended his alleged actions, claiming they were justified because of the government and “minorities.” He was also alleged to have sent them a middle finger emoji.
Kantwill is charged with three counts of interstate transmission of a threat to injure. If convicted, he faces a maximum of 15 years in federal prison. State attorneys filed a motion for a pretrial detention hearing, requesting Kantwill stay in jail until trial, per the Tampa Bay Times.