“We need to talk about the women,” said Lizzo in her first-ever Vogue cover story earlier this week. She was referring to the women who have so often been overlooked in the movement for Black lives (a movement founded by Black women)—and as this article goes live, there are feet on the ground across the nation in protest of the lack of convictions for the police officers responsible for the death of Breonna Taylor.
Taylor, like Sandra Bland before her, has furthered much-needed progress in the way we discuss, honor and fight for female victims of state-sanctioned violence. We look forward to a day women and men alike aren’t required to become martyrs to structural racism, but until that day, we protest—physically, mentally, and yes, virtually.
On Saturday, September 26, at 12:00 pm ET, the Black Women’s Blueprint will take its 4th Annual March for Black Women virtual, prioritizing safety and social-distancing by live-streaming the event this year while gathering online to denounce violence against self-identifying Black women and femmes.
“We unite in all of our diversity to raise Black cis, trans, and GNC voices in the continued fight for racial and gender equality,” says a statement provided to The Glow Up, which also reads:
On Saturday, September 26, 2020, the Fourth Annual March For Black Women calls activists to gather online and rise up, because HER Black Life Matters. Past marches have seen thousands take the streets in Washington D.C. to demand equality but the pandemic will not stop this year’s march. With the 2020 election on the horizon, it’s more important than ever to stop asking Black Women to choose between race and gender. We ask you to join us virtually as we broadcast the revolution for and by Black Women...
For the past three years, Black Women’s Blueprint has produced a March For Black Women to raise awareness and make their demands heard - for reparations for Black women, for the rights of Black trans women, and to denounce sexual violence against Black women and girls. This year’s event is one of many this Fall engaging folks to not just get out the vote, but to understand the impact of electing Women of Color to office and the power women have as the majority to elect legislators that best serve Black women’s interests.
“During this incredibly transformative moment, Black women and girls, disabled sisters, sisters across the border, and women that exist along all other axes of oppression have consistently been de-centered,” says Executive Director of Black Women’s Blueprint, Farah Tanis. “Black Women’s Blueprint recognizes the pressing need to develop a ‘blueprint’ for political and social justice derived from Black women’s self-determination and autonomy.”
For this event “held by Black women, for Black women,” the march boasts an impressive lineup of virtual speakers, including:
- Gina Belafonte, ED of Sankofa/daughter of Harry Belafonte
- Ilhan Omar, U.S. Representative for Minnesota
- Opal Tometi, Co-founder, Black Lives Matter
- Joan Smalls, Model/Actor/Activist
- Rosa Clemente, First Afro-Latina woman to run for Vice-President of United States
- Michaela Angela Davis, Author/Image Activist
- Staceyann Chin, Poet/Author
Saturday’s broadcast will stream live via the Black Women’s Blueprint’s Facebook page; register now on their event page. You can also donate to support Black women or register now to vote.