Yes, Black Music Matters

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In the Huffington Post, Grammy winner P.J. Morton takes a look at the depth and importance of black music, with its "untold stories."

It's the kind of depth found in the music of legends like Stevie Wonder, who happens to be my greatest musical influences. Stevie is the one musician who made me want to be an artist. It started when I was about 13 years old when introduced to his song, "I Never Dreamed You'd Leave In Summer." Stevie sounded young, innocent and passionate, much like me at that age. It was then that I went on a mission, and musical journey, to collect all of his music. Taking my weekly allowance, I would buy a Stevie CD every week and I started from the earliest years and collected to the latest. So, when I started to write my own music, Stevie's sound was very much part of me. I saw and felt his influence on me. Like Stevie, I am keyboard player who writes songs and sings. And the way he told stories, in that early music — and all of his music — was, and is, incredible. He gave me something to reach for and is the epitome of black music to me.

Read P.J. Morton's entire piece at the Huffington Post.  

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