WSJ Editor: Holder Should Tell Ferguson to ‘Stay Out of Trouble, Pull Up Their Pants and Take Care of Their Kids’

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As U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder journeys to Ferguson, Mo., to be briefed on the ongoing investigation into the killing of unarmed teen Michael Brown by a law-enforcement official, some are discussing which messages Holder should focus on.

According to Mediaite, while on a panel on Fox’s Special Report, Wall Street Journal editorial board member Jason Riley suggested that instead of focusing on conveying the message that criticism of President Barack Obama is based on race, Holder should talk to the black community about its behavior, particularly concerning Ferguson.

“These looters and rioters do not need to hear from the attorney general that criticism of Obama is race-based,” Riley said. “What they need to hear from this black man in this position—the nation’s leading law-enforcement official—is that they need to stay out of trouble with the law.


“They need to pull up their pants and finish school and take care of their kids; that is the message they need to hear from black leaders and people in positions of authority like Eric Holder and Barack Obama,” he added.

Read more at Mediaite.

Jason Riley is criticized for using Ferguson case to promote his book. Read Journal-isms.