Woman Taken by Ambulance from Tiger Woods' Home

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And the hits keep coming for Tiger Woods. Early this morning, an unidentified woman was taken from his Florida home by ambulance to a local hospital. From CNN:

"A patient was taken from the home to a hospital, said Genevieve Latham, a spokeswoman for Orange County Fire Rescue.

She said paramedics responded to an address that, according to tax records, belongs to Woods' and his wife, Elin Nordegren.

Medics arrived at the home at 2:37 a.m. and stayed until 3:13 a.m. when an ambulance from Health Central Hospital in Ocoee arrived, Latham said.

The spokeswoman would not say who was taken to the hospital or what the person's condition was.

CNN affiliate WESH-TV reported that the ambulance carried a woman to Health Central. Footage that CNN obtained showed a blonde woman being taken out of an ambulance on a stretcher and carried inside the hospital."

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