Clutch magazine is reporting that a video of a New York City woman standing up for herself after being harassed has just gone viral. Approximately two months ago, an unnamed woman riding the 4 train through the heart of Manhattan confronted a man who rubbed up against her on the crowded train. When the man, 51-year-old Mario Valdivia, also exposed his penis, the woman rightly went off. Unlike many of us who are stunned into silence, this woman told her harasser that he wasn't going to get away with treating her in such a vile way. “Oh, you're getting f—-ing arrested. I'm not leaving your side," she said. "My plans are done for the night. I'm escorting you to the police station. Oh, yes. Oh, f—-ing yes." Several people (hats off to the men who stepped up) took photos and video to use as evidence, and because everything we do these days ends up online, it was even posted to YouTube. Check it out below:
Update: According to WABC in New York, 51-year-old Mario Valdivia of Queens pleaded guilty to forcible touching and was sentenced to 4 months behind bars.