Black, White Americans Share Doomsday-Survival Tips On Social Media As Nation Panics

Black, White Americans Share Doomsday-Survival Tips On Social Media As Nation Panics

Black folks Online are sharing tips and tricks to make sure they're ready for anything.

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There’s no way to know when you’ll need to prepare for the worst, and that’s why they say if you stay ready you never have to get ready!


In times like these where many Americans are fearful of what the next four years will look like, TikTok users are sharing their tried and true ways to prepare for the unimaginable. From prepping “go-bags” to ensuring your documents are in order, it’s never a bad thing to prep yourself and your family in the event of a emergency. You might want to take notes for this one....

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Packing an Emergency Bag

Packing an Emergency Bag

With U.S. relations with some of our strongest allies, like Canada, on the fence, some users like @caraboo80 are showing people how to properly prepare for an economic disaster.

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Prepping for the Worst

Prepping for the Worst

User @sonassunni says it’s probably a good idea for everyone to start stocking up on basic needs like beans and canned goods all the way to hygiene products and batteries.

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If Martial Law is Declared

If Martial Law is Declared

This user suggests everyone get a copy of this step by step guide on what to do if martial law is ever declared in the states. According to the book, “A Navy Seal’s Bug-in Guide,” stock piling and learning alternative ways to communicate will be key to survival.

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Keeping Your Home and Money Safe

Keeping Your Home and Money Safe

Although banks and credit methods have been reliable ways to store and track money, you never know when our trusted agencies could fail. This user, like others on the social media app, says it maybe time for everyone to invest in their own personal safe to store cash and other valuables.

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‘Too Much Faith in the System’

‘Too Much Faith in the System’

User @youcancallmekait says although she doesn’t have to worry about political attacks against her and her family as a white woman, that doesn’t mean she’s not thinking of ways to prepare for the unthinkable. For her, it comes down to basic needs in what she calls “practical preparing.”

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Essential Reading Library

Essential Reading Library

While the most obvious way to prep for a crisis would be to stock up on food and other products, this user is encouraging everyone to also keep an “essential reading and library collection” on hand. This means having written guides on first aid, food preserving, and even political documents like the Constitution and maps.

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‘Keep Some Cash’

‘Keep Some Cash’

Even before President Trump got reelected, this user told everyone that it’s never a bad idea to keep some cash in your household. She keeps a few dollars in various places around her crib just in case.

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Prepping Since 2020

Prepping Since 2020

This user started preparing her go-bag in 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic. Now, she’s showing us exactly what’s inside her emergency kit. “If you stay ready, you ain’t gotta get ready,” she said.

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Doomsday Prep

Doomsday Prep

This user says people should stock up on in the event of a crisis is food. “The first thing that’s gone in the event of an emergency is food,” she said. She’s storing her food inside mylar bags which are sturdy enough to withstand the elements.

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Ways for Migrant Families to Prepare

Ways for Migrant Families to Prepare

For this user, protesting against Trump’s attacks on immigration is simply not enough. @julieear says now more than ever, it’s time for migrant families to get their documents in order especially their passports!

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Exercising Your Second Amendment Right

Exercising Your Second Amendment Right

For this user, now is the perfect time to exercise your Second Amendment right and get some practice in. Interestingly enough, said it seems like many of pro-firearm Americans are “feeling very safe,” so with that, it’s time for inexperienced Americans to get active. “Arm yourself with knowledge and other things,” they said.

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What’s Inside This ‘Go Bag?’

What’s Inside This ‘Go Bag?’

When @kalakalond’s dad packed her and her brother go-bags, she never thought she’d have to actually use it. Five years later, she’s taking the time to go through the bag and show folks exactly what’s inside. From ramen noodles and packed salmon to duct tape and emergency water, this user is more than ready for anything to go down.

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Starting Off With the Basics

Starting Off With the Basics

It’s easy to get caught up in the fancy technology you think you may need in a time of crisis, but this user is reminding folks that sometimes bare necessities are what you should start off with. Think about food and water first, then ways to cook your food, and even how to light your house and keep warm.

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The 5P’s of Emergency Planning

The 5P’s of Emergency Planning

This user broke down her steps on how to properly prepare for a worst case scenario. In addition to having a portable safe, @tendin2 says having cash and a well practiced evacuation plan will ensure you and your family remain safe.

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Getting Your Documents in Order

Getting Your Documents in Order

Before anyone makes a move to leave the country, this user says the most important thing is make sure all of your documents are in order. This means renewing passports, getting multiple copies of important documents, like your birth certificate and marriage license, and even getting an internationally recognized validity statement.
