If there’s one thing that really gets under the Trump administration’s craw, it’s humiliation—which might explain the perverse pleasure so many of us derived by seeing a housefly make itself comfortable atop Mike Pence’s otherwise pristine, supremacist-white hair for several minutes during Wednesday night’s vice-presidential debate. The fly, indisputably the real winner of the debate, instantly garnered domains and social media accounts in its honor, as well as an exclusive interview with The Root’s own Michael Harriot.
But with Halloween steadily approaching, it should come as no surprise that at least one retailer has seized upon the new pop cultural icon’s zeitgeist moment. That’s right—if you were wondering how to preserve this hilarious moment in an already absurd era in American politics, say no more, Fam. Lingerie and “sexy Halloween costume” company 3Wishes has granted your wish with the “Debate Fly Wig,” retailing for $49.95—which might’ve been a bargain, if your Republican-led Senate cared enough about us to keep sending stimulus checks.
“MAKE YOUR HEAD GREAT AGAIN,” boasts a post on the retailer’s Instagram page. While we admittedly can’t identify the party affiliation of the brand, what we know for sure is that they have a sense of humor (because aside from doing our best to vote these assholes the hell out of here in a few weeks, laughing is about all we can do, at this point).
Besides, in a year in which Halloween is otherwise basically canceled (thanks in large part to the incompetence of the aforementioned assholes), this Zoom-appropriate costume is perfect for your virtual costume party (if you’re into that sort of thing)—or God-willing, your post-election, post-Trump, celebratory fête.