Why Juror B29 Should Be Sorry

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Juror B29, also known as Maddy, should have stood her ground (pun intended), Wayne Bennett writes at the Field Negro, if she felt so strongly that George Zimmerman should have been convicted in his second-degree-murder trial. A hung jury would have allowed the state to try him again, he writes.

So this Juror-B29 lady felt that George Zimmerman was guilty but the law just wasn't there to convict him. She also had some very strong words for Mr. Zimmerman:

"George Zimmerman got away with murder," Maddy, who declined to give her last name, said in an interview with ABC's Robin Roberts on "Good Morning America," "but you can't get away from God. And at the end of the day, he's going to have a lot of questions and answers he has to deal with."

Yes, he did, but you helped to set him free. If you felt that strongly about his guilt you should have stood your ground. (Pun intended) A hung jury would have given the state an opportunity to try Mr. Zimmerman again.  

Read Wayne Bennett's entire piece at the Field Negro.

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