Actress and comedian Janelle James stunned on the red carpet during the 76th Emmy Awards back in September, wearing a gorgeous red Marchesa gown. The Best Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series nominee knew that whether she won or lost, all eyes would be on her during this night celebrating the best in television, and she didn’t disappoint.
But in a recent interview with PEOPLE for One Last Thing, the “Abbott Elementary” star admitted that what should have been a happy and exciting time for her was downright painful. While she was trying to smile for the cameras on the red carpet, she was actually fighting back tears.
You haven’t experienced torture until you’ve had to suffer through an event in a pair of uncomfortable shoes. If you know what it’s like to feel like your toes are stuck in a vice grip, just waiting for the sweet relief of a pair of slippers in the car ride home, you know exactly what actress and comedian Janelle James was going through as her black Jimmy Choo sandals – as cute as they were – had her feet screaming for dear life all night long.
“My shoes were too tight,” James told PEOPLE. “And I was literally in tears before I hit the red carpet.”
And while you may have never actually been to the Emmys, you know the red carpet is where everyone is looking to snap photos of celebs and analyze their looks from head to toe. You probably also know that the red carpet is just the beginning of what is usually a long night.
“Every picture you see of me looking effervescent and happy was all a lie. If you zoom in, you can see the pain in my eyeballs,” she said.
James said her costar Tyler James Williams, who plays first grade teacher Gregory Eddie on the show, was kind enough to practically carry her from the theater to the car that was waiting to transport her from the show. That’s where she met her real knight in shining armor.
“And then, right when we got there, there was some company handing out slippers. And if I could kiss that dude on the mouth, I would have,” she added.
We feel your pain, Janelle, literally.