Why Is Education So Low on the Political Totem Pole?

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Writing at the Burton Wire, Rhonda J. Summey argues that America can't afford for education to be anywhere other than at the forefront of the discussion surrounding the presidential election.

Joblessness, hopelessness and a lifetime dependency on the government — this is what Condoleezza Rice said would result if the current issues surrounding public education were not addressed. In her speech, at the Republican National Convention in Tampa last week, Rice took just a moment to speak on the ills of public education. However, as the RNC comes to a close and the Democratic National Convention is in full-swing in Charlotte, the questions of where education is in the 2012 race continue to surface.

What a coincidence that the beginning of the school year, in many cities, coincides with both conventions. Indeed, there has been very little discussion regarding education outside of the few words from Dr. Rice at the RNC and an address by Secretary of Education Arne Duncan at the DNC. This is the first time in recent months that we have seen education elevated to a place where it should be — on the actual agenda of both political parties.

As we begin a new school year, educators brace for the numerous challenges that must be endured.  While many school systems have fewer teachers, and even fewer of those hired are truly highly qualified, schools are expected to do the same or more with a leaner school budget.  With this fact, we must necessarily face the bleak reality that poorly-trained teachers cannot prepare a generation of students who must compete on a global scale.

Read Rhonda J. Summey's entire piece at the Burton Wire.

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