Why Hip-Hop Is Dead, Reason No. 435: Watch Calif. Congresswoman Dab During Debate

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I hate hip-hop dances and the new "All lives matter" Cam Newton, and I blame both of them for what happened Wednesday evening, when a California Senate race between Democrats Kamala Harris and Loretta Sanchez included the dab.

Sanchez, a congresswoman who represents California's 46th District, was over her time when the moderator let her know she'd gone on too long. Sanchez continued talking and then ended her speech with the dab.

The moment was lost on the crowd but not on her opponent, who chuckled and said with a smirk, "So, there's a clear difference between the candidates in this race," regarding Sanchez's display of hip-hoppity-ness.

Afterward, Harris' communication director, Nathan Click, didn't waste any time slamming Sanchez's dab:


Not everyone was quick to condemn Sanchez's moment:


I'm no dab expert, but I think it's clear that Sanchez is the best dabbing politician, considering that this is who she can be compared to:
