Why Everyone Needs to Know About Alice Marie Johnson, the Great-Grandmother Who Is Serving a Life Sentence [Update: Johnson’s Sentence Commuted]

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Who Is Alice Marie Johnson?

Updated: Wednesday, June 6, 2018, 3:53 p.m. EDT: President Donald Trump commuted Alice Marie Johnson’s sentence on Wednesday, and she will be released from prison after spending 21 years behind bars for a first-time, nonviolent drug offense. Trump didn’t give Johnson a full pardon, which would have cleared her record. Instead, he opted to reduce her sentence.


Last week, Kim Kardashian West met with President Donald Trump to discuss prison reform (who could make this up?) and clemency for 67-year-old Alice Marie Johnson. Kardashian West also recently tweeted about Matthew Charles, who was recently sent back to prison even though he had already served 20 years and was working on putting his life back together.


Kim K. ain’t no activist, but we should all know the story of Alice Marie Johnson, the great-grandmother who is serving a life sentence for a nonviolent drug offense—her first offense. Watch the video above to hear her story.