Why Can't President Obama Go on Vacation?

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Some in the press are upset again about a lack of access to the president during his vacation: President Obama kept the press at bay while he spent the weekend relaxing with friends and golfing in Florida. Members of the White House press corps weren't happy on Sunday, especially after learning that he was hitting the links with Tiger Woods. The Daily Beast reports that Ed Henry, president of the White House Correspondents Association, expressed frustration about having no access to the president all weekend. The White House responded to the Fox correspondent: "The press access granted by the White House today is entirely consistent with the press access offered for previous presidential golf outings." Doesn't the president deserve a break away from the prying eyes of the media?

A Chicago teen was shot to death after her sister attended the president's speech on gun violence: Hours before Janay Mcfarlane was shot and killed on Friday, her 14-year-old sister was standing behind President Obama during his speech about gun violence and anti-gun legislation, the Atlantic Wire reports. The story is sadly similar to that of Hadiya Pendleton, a Chicago teen who was gunned down days after performing at Obama's inauguration and who was memorialized during Friday's speech.

Why Rihanna is the new Princess Diana: Like Diana, Rihanna has worryingly drifted into using photo ops to send messages of allure, defiance or revenge while in a turbulent relationship with an errant partner, Camille Paglia writes in the U.K.'s Sunday Times Magazine.


The Obama administration quietly winds down a plan for "uninsurables": Citing financial concerns, the Obama administration has quietly begun to wind down one of the earliest programs created by the president's health care overhaul, the Associated Press reports. The Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan — which would help people with medical problems who can't get private insurance — will stop taking new applications, administration officials said on Friday, but people already in the plan will not lose coverage.