Why Black Women Want Handguns

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In a piece for USA Today, Republican lawmaker Stefani Carter explains why African-American women in her state want to carry weapons. 

Delegates at the Republican convention on Tuesday approved a strong pro-gun platform that, among other things, supports national legislation to expand concealed carry rights.

As a Republican state lawmaker and National Rifle Association member, as is GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney, I applaud the position. But there are many other supporters of gun rights who are not here in attendance, and their identity might surprise you.

What is the fastest-growing demographic group in my state of Texas seeking concealed handgun licenses? Black women. As a former prosecutor, I understand why they are choosing to arm themselves.

In 2009, U.S. black women were murdered at a rate nearly two and a half times higher than white women. More than 90% of black women killed by males in single-victim incidents knew their killers.

But the upward trend of seeking weapons is not isolated to black women. More women are packing heat. The percentage of women who report personal gun ownership is now at 23%.

Read Stefani Carter's entire piece at USA Today.

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