Writing for Clutch magazine, Danielle C. Belton argues that the new Bravo reality series Married to Medicine is the same old Atlanta reality series with a different name.
The only thing different about "Married to Medicine" is that the women seem painfully aware of how black women are portrayed on reality shows, yet they all fall prey to the same soap opera editing and high drama with low-end language as every other black woman centric reality show on television.
It's like, gasp, you'd think these shows weren't reality at all, but heavily scripted dramas featuring histrionic personalities who are only marginally good actors, but since they're playing exaggerated versions of themselves, it's passable acting.
But just barely.
But the real problem here — if you see it as a problem — is that these shows are popular because black people, especially women, are craving drama, dresses, wealth, weave and escapist entertainment. And can you blame them? Every time I open a newspaper, Google up a blog or see a book on the best-seller list it’s about how horrible things are for black women …
Read Danielle C. Belton's entire piece at Clutch magazine.
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