Charlamagne Tha God succinctly summed up his frustration with the Democratic Party during a recent interview with Politico.
“I’m not looking for my politicians to be pure…I’m looking for my politicians to be effective,” he declared.
It’s a sentiment he’s echoed to the millions of listeners on his popular show “The Breakfast Club:” Black men are frustrated with the Democrats and President Joe Biden. We believe the Democrats are wasting time and energy telling us what we already know about Donald Trump, when instead, they should focus on delivering their promises to our community.
Democrats should also be nervous about losing the White House and Senate in 2024: In what’s expected to be another tight race, several polls indicate that some Black voters – particularly Black men – are rethinking their loyalty to the Democratic Party.
A recent Wall Street Journal poll in seven swing states found that 30 percent of Black men are either definitely or probably going to vote for Trump in November. That would be a shocking increase given only 12 percent of Black men nationwide voted for Trump in 2020.
In comparison, just 11 percent of the Black women polled said they would cast a ballot for Trump in 2024. Black women, who are among the most stalwart Democrats, were credited for saving the party in 2020.
Why is there so much frustration?
Black folks feel used. Every four years, an army of canvassers descend on Black communities, knocking on doors and rallying people to get out and vote for Democrats. But empty promises are all that remain after election victories.
Many Black men are asking why they should vote for Biden again when the Dems failed to deliver on things like student loan debt relief, police reform and voting rights.
Black men are also looking at our economic situation. Yes, Black unemployment fell to a record low during Biden’s time in office, but Black families are pinching pennies amid high inflation, and the racial wealth gap remains stubbornly high despite decades of vows from multiple Democratic administrations to close the gap.
Furthermore, many of us live in disinvested communities that have been decaying for generations. We are often reminded that the monumental federal budget deficit prevents renewal, yet tons of cash flow to Ukraine and other priorities.
When in power, Democrats at the local, state and federal levels have failed over many decades to repair infrastructure, fix dilapidated school buildings and spur private investment.
No wonder Republicans see an opening and are swooping in.
South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott, the Senate’s only Black Republican who is fresh off a political spanking in the GOP presidential primary, recently launched a video series with four other Black Republican congressional lawmakers.
The series, dubbed “America’s Starting Five,” seeks to persuade Black men to ditch the Dems.
Trump supporters are also attempting to reach young Black men on social media through platforms like Black Men for Trump and deepfake AI images of Black people embracing the former president.
Alarm bells should be going off in the Democratic camp. Failure to address this deep frustration in a meaningful way could prompt Black men to stay home on Election Day, which is the same as a vote for Trump.