If any of you thought that Republicans weren’t going to continue their all-out efforts to fuck over America then you would be wrong. But surely none of you thought that since Republicans have been tirelessly working to overthrow the government to create a more perfect QAmerica.
So now the move is to care about all of the things they didn’t care about when former President Trump was in office. Things like morals and standards and social media tact matter now, just months after the former president pissed all over them. Republicans’ first victory (with an assist from West Virginia Democrat Joe Manchin), the one that has them giving each other awkward high fives inside the halls of the Capitol is the dismantling of Neera Tanden’s nomination as the director of Office of Management and Budget over some mean tweets she sent some time ago. Apparently, Tanden wasn’t a fan of progressive Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders and sent a few mean tweets about it. The funniest part has been watching Republicans run to Sanders’ aid as if he needed the help and as if they really gave a shit.
“You called Sen. Sanders everything but an ignorant slut,” Republican Sen. John Kennedy said to her during one of her Congressional hearings. Like John Kennedy gives a shit about Bernie Sanders’ feelings. In short, this was a power grab and Tanden got squeezed out. It happens and it isn’t right.
Full stop.
The news will say that Tanden withdrew her nomination but everyone knows that Republicans won this round. And that’s cool because you know who is waiting on the sidelines with their helmet in their hand itching to take over the team? Just a star in the making, a beloved congressional staffer who damn near everyone on both sides of the aisle wants to take home to meet their parents. Just a well-respected woman who happens to have just had a glowing confirmation hearing to become the deputy of the same department that Tanden was slated to run.
Shalanda Young.
This is a no-brainer. As Managing Editor Genetta Adams put it, “All they have to do is remove the Deputy from her title. How hard is that?”
Oh, Genetta. I once was a wide-eyed, bespeckled, youth who believed in good. And then America kept on America-ing and I too learned something that you won’t find in history books: Never underestimate a man’s ability to fuck some shit up.
Instead of the White House coming out and saying that this job belongs to anyone whose name rhymes with “Bhalanda Boung,” reports have emerged that Biden is considering potential replacements.
From Politico:
Ann O’Leary, who like Tanden was a top adviser to Hillary Clinton and was most recently California Gov. GAVIN NEWSOM’S chief of staff, is favored by many in the Clinton policy diaspora. A point in her favor: Klain is said to be a big fan. A point against: Her time with Newsom, who is facing a recall effort, may be used against her.
A third choice mentioned to us by several Biden advisers is SARAH BIANCHI, a longtime Biden loyalist who was his top economic adviser when he was VP and then chair of the policy advisory board at the Biden Institute. A point in her favor: Biden is said to be a big fan. A point against her: Klain seems to be leaning toward others.
Hopefully, these names have been leaked to appear as if the White House is actually considering choices for a nominee when they already know that the choice for the OMB director’s name rhymes with “Chalanda Coung.” If Biden truly considers himself to be this great unifier and the bipartisan healer that will Febreeze the room of the stench left over from the last administration then he only has one choice he can make here and that’s a person whose name rhymes with, “He better pick Shalanda Young.”
Don’t take my word for it.
“She would cruise through,” a Republican senator told CNN.
“It would be a layup,” a Democrat with close ties to the White House said separately. “Move quick; take the easy path. This shouldn’t be hard.”
Or as Genetta Adams noted, he’s going to have to deal with the optics of having a beloved Black woman whom he overlooked to hire a white woman to be her boss.
Now, Genetta gets it.